• Daan Bruins

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Longueur Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    This is a good, but flawed coaster. The main reason it's so long is because of the lifthill and the panorama section up top. It has a spiral lift hill, and not a very steep one at that, meaning it's gonna take a while. There is some nice theming to look at though at least. I wanted to call the section up top a 'wild mouse section', but it's so slow it doesn't pull any forces, so I'm going with panorama, it also spins during this part. It's nice to get a good view, but it doesn't add much, After that the ride doesn't actually spin, aside from a controlled 180 degree switch halfway through the first camelback. So you're stuck with whatever side you're facing. The rest of the ride is fun, but quite shaky. The final helix is the highlight as it pulls insane forces. All in all a very bizarre ride.

  • Daan Bruins

    Théma Inversions Fluidité Launch Temps mort

    Definitely the weakest of the big three at EP. The theming is nice and the soundtrack is absolutely amazing. But the ride after the dark ride section isn't all that great. The launch is weak as always with Mack (though not as bad as some of the others) and the layout isn't all that exciting. The last heartline roll is really awesome though, and you gotta respect this coaster for starting Mack's entry into the main coaster competition.

  • Daan Bruins

    Théma Confort Fluidité Trop court

    'Too short' is of course only a nitpick from an enthusiast's standpoint, the ride is perfect as it is. It's surprisingly well themed for a kiddie coaster and really smooth and comfortable. One of the better coasters of it's size for sure.

  • Daan Bruins

    First Drop Théma Fun Trop court

    With Poseidon already in the same park, Atlantica is kind of unnecessary, but it's a fun ride nonetheless. I like the addition of the turntables and the backwards drop, it's a much more fun way of getting to the other side than the slow turn like some other coasters do. The drop and the following speed hill are quite fun as well. The ride doesn't really add anything to the park's lineup, but it's still a really fun ride.

  • Daan Bruins

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Longueur

    One of the best darkride-coasters out there. An unbelievable soundtrack and great theming throughout the entire ride. The coasting itself is almost irrelevant to the rest of the ride, and they couldn't have implemented a more genius system than the inverted powered coaster, which also works well because of the spinning cars. Definitely one of the best coasters in the park, even though it's barely even a coaster.

  • Daan Bruins

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun Temps mort

    Perhaps the best Mack Rides powered coaster (not including inverted ones) to ever exist, amazing theming in the cave and I love how it was intertwined with the walkthrough and the log flume. It also had decent laterals. So sad it burned down, I hope the successor will be just as good, rest in peace.

  • Daan Bruins

    Situation Ejectors Longueur

    A fantastic and incredibly long alpine coaster. The height difference is so big you go up with a chairlift instead of a lifthill. The cars are also carried up by the chairlift, making this one of the rare coasters that is not a full-circuit coaster, nor a shuttle coaster. I didn't even go full speed during the ride and it still had great laterals and airtime during the dips, so it must be insane going full speed! And not to mention the view is among the best on any coaster.

  • Tate S.

    Théma Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    Good lord. This is one of the single best rides on planet earth that can be enjoyed by the whole family. It is AMAZING. The ride vehicle swiveling mechanic is what brings this seemingly lackluster layout to life. I particularly enjoyed the backwards launch that flips you forward as you enter the main room, and the two inwards facing helixes around the physical planet sets. So memorable. That being said, while the layout is plenty of fun, that isn't the main highlight of this ride. As one would expect from a Disney-sized budget in 2024, the theming here is stellar. I mean completely mind-bendingly bonkers. My favorite aspect of the ride is the randomized song you get every time you ride that begins at the launch. It leaves you anticipating the launch every time more than you would if it was just a regular old launch. What song you get out of the six possibilities really changes the vibe of the ride, and if you ask me, they knocked it out of the park with the selections. My personal favorites are September and Disco Inferno, but all of them are great and would each fit in a Guardians movie. The effects in the launch tunnel are dazzling, and the big screens with the Guardians fighting the massive celestial are super believable and work seamlessly with the ride. You really feel like you're flying amongst the Guardians in space right alongside them. This is, in my opinion, the best ride at Disney World, period. This was such a godsend for Epcot and you have to go experience it.

  • Tate S.

    Inversions Situation Vibrations

    So look, this is a fine ride, and if I grew up with it at my home park, I think I'd feel a lot more attached. But I do think this kind of gets swallowed up by this park's lineup. The inversions are great and whippy, and the first loop is a spectacle, but on the whole, there's not an obvious standout moment that's super memorable. Also, the back row had a pretty strong rattle. Not anything painful, but it was distracting. Superman is a good time and is perfectly harmless, but I just don't think floorless coasters are particularly special. This is definitely a bad take, but I prefer SFOT's Titan as the standout big scary ride. It's just generally more imposing and has more memorable moments, even if Superman is technically less flawed. Nonetheless, it's a solid ride. Just not one that stuck with me much compared to other coasters in SFFT's pretty incredible lineup.

  • Daan Bruins

    First Drop Bonne suprise ! Longueur Temps mort

    This is the longer, faster and better of the two, and probably the best non-extreme spinning coaster on Earth. The three special elements are of course the most notable things: The tilting elevator lift, the seesaw tilt track and the "seesaw drop track" at the end. None of those are really that crazy on the second ride, but they're still cool. Pair that with a wild mouse section, a good first drop, and constantly switching between dark and light sections and you've got one of the best spinning coasters on Earth. Only the long winding helix in the middle of the ride is quite boring, but at least it looks cool.