• Felix Kricke

    Airtimes Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    Everyone who has ridden bandit knows why it only deserves the worst rating possible, is because this ride sucks. It literally hurts, I came off bruised multiple times, and yet I still ask myself why I rode it in the first place. The only good thing about it is that you can get some actual good ejector in the very back, but that's the only good thing about bandit. Personally the best way to ride bandit, is the the very back on a non-wheel seat. Each section has three rows, the middle one is one of those, and the back doesn't hurt as much as the front. This is by far the best way to ride it, but still, this ride should either be RMC'd or completely removed

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Théma Launch Intensité Vibrations Trop court Fiabilité

    This thing may be short, but it packs a punch! First that launch is crazy. Then you great thrown up 456 feet into the air and back to the ground. Which isn’t much, but still. The laterals on this are crazy. I wish it was smoother though, and not closing every second. I really like the theming of the queue and station, too.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    It's a kiddy. A little better than average.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler
  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    Bonne suprise ! Temps mort Lap Bar

    This was a surprisingly good coaster. Got two rides on it and on one of them the lap bar tightened a lot, to the point of being uncomfortable, throughout the layout. It was actually sorta forceful. So much better than a typical spinner.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    Situation Launch Fun Sans intérêt

    Its a fun ride that is really smooth and pretty but it is honestly not that much of anything.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    First Drop Intensité Fluidité Trop court

    This ride is so much better than your standard slc. I got two rides on the first one with the new trains with vest restraints and the second one with the old over the shoulder. My first ride was butter smooth. No head banging. No discomfort. The second ride was definitely worse but not by a lot. Was this ride retracked at some point? Best SLC ever!

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    Inversions Launch Trop court

    I really like sky rockett II's they are a ton of fun and I want to see them everywhere. A lot of people talk about how the comfort collars on this ride are awful, but they really aren't that bad.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    First Drop Sans intérêt

    This feels like it really sums up the whole experience of a dive coaster; an incredible first drop followed by a second half that meanders quite a bit. I just think of it as a drop tower that tilts you sideways and has a layout afterwards.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    Inversions Intensité Fluidité

    This was such a fun ride. Great in the front and back. B&M really outdid themselves on this one.