• Bubble Gaming

    Launch Intensité Hangtime Vibrations Fiabilité

    It opened while I was in line for Timmy, so I couldn’t make it the 75th. I still was fortunate to ride it in the short time frame that it was open. I was there for over 6 hours, and it was open for one of those hours. Forwards launch already is pretty powerful for LSM standards. The two immelmanns were pretty whippy in the back. The rollover provided some great hangtime. Suddenly the turntable makes you go backwards and the launch almost is dangerous. You get yanked towards the seat in front of you. I definitely don’t recommend putting your hands up on the backwards launch in the back because you might smack the other seat. Everything mentioned before applies to the second half, except you don’t realize when each element will occur. The only problem is the roughness. Even when it’s only four years old, it has a noticeable rattle. Maybe the park isn’t good at maintenance. After all, Shellraiser was closed today and has been closed since October. Even with the roughness, Sandy is still a great ride that hopefully can get better maintained in the future.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Fun

    First impressions of this were all over the place. It could either be one of the better coasters at the park or worst case scenario, the worst coaster. I have a lot of issues with motion sickness. While I can tolerate spinning coasters, this introduced going 90 degrees. It ended up being the second best coaster in the park. (Shellraiser was closed) The launch immediately picks up the ride, and after a few launches, you reach the top speed. The ride can either spin a lot at parts or not spin. The spikes are pure fun. You can feel a bit of weightlessness on the top. If you’re facing down, it’s even better. You have a little lap bar as the only thing keeping you in. It creates more joy in the ride, as it’s straight down. The ride isn’t even too short, it’s a reasonable duration. Because of the other random kiddie coasters not included on Captain Coaster, this was my 75th credit. Sandy and Shellraiser were down at the time, so I’m not upset at my choice.

  • Bubble Gaming

    First Drop Vitesse Fun Débit

    I don’t know if it was just a crowded day, but I had to wait an hour for this. One train definitely slows down what would’ve been a 30 minute wait. The ride starts off with a drive tire lift, which is fairly unique for rides bigger than a kiddie coaster. Was the intention supposed to be a small kids coaster? 42 inches isn’t kiddie level. The first drop definitely is the best part of the ride. In the back there is some nice whip that even gives a small pop of airtime. There’s also a very minimalistic lap bar. After the drop, there are some small hills and turns. These don’t offer much forces, but it still makes the ride more fun. The reason for this is the pace. I’m surprised by the speed of this thing, pretty fast for a family coaster. The brakes then make a funny noise that can be heard from around the park. It doesn’t take points away, but after the ride ended my lap bar didn’t unlock and someone had to manually unlock the restraint.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Lap Bar Launch Hangtime Vibrations Trop court Fiabilité

    This coaster has a lot of pro’s and con’s. But still one of the greatest launch coasters I have ever ridden. The launch has a punch (even though it’s short). The hang time is great. The lap bar snugs you tight in. And every single pro gets even better when it’s backwards! The launch just flings you away. The inversions backwards are some of the most intense elements I have been on. It’s just a great ride in general. The only things I dislike about the coaster is that it’s to short, it has a rattle, and it’s absolutely shitty reliability. It was open for 1 hour for the entire 7 hours we were there. But I’m thankful for being able to get one ride on it. And I’m thankful for that.

  • Ten

    First Drop Fun Temps mort

    The drops and the immelmann are absolutely awesome, but everything after those are pretty pointless

  • Ten

    Inversions Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    When I got 2 rides the first day I got here, this was really fun and I didn't find it very rattly at all. I was even tempted to rate it higher than the dive coaster in the same park. But the next day when I got another 2 rides, I found it insanely rattly and my neck and shoulders hurt like crazy. So I guess ±1.5 stars on the rating depending on whether you get a good ride on it or not.

  • Carrie C.

    Airtimes Launch

    airtime in places i’ve never heard of! crazy!

  • William S.

    Théma Lap Bar Launch

    Oh my god. What a ride. The complete package. I wish I rode this more times at IOA as Intamin have created a masterpiece. The perfect amount of inversions and the 2 main ones the magnificent zero G stall and that majestic Mosasaurus roll., Twists and turns into every direction imaginable especially into that second launch. The ride time is a very nice length and you will never get bored in the queue as there is always something to look at, especially the pre show scene with Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt. Not forgetting the magnificent 2 moving animatronic Velociraptors. The ride cams do not do this ride justice and this has to be one of favourite (if not my favourite) ride I have ever rode. Hats off to Universal creative and Intamin for this masterpiece.

  • spicyboi

    First Drop Lap Bar Intensité Vibrations Déception ! Inconfort

    now since ive ridden it only backwards, ill only be talking about the backwards experience. so, the first drop is BONKERS and pretty steep for a woodie. the ride is pretty intense and has really comfy timberliner restraints. now to the cons. its REALLY rattly, maybe even more than goudurix.

  • GLaDOS

    Théma Fun Fluidité Trop court Débit

    This is a well-themed Vekoma junior coaster. It's quite smooth from what I remember and I like its setting. Wait times and capacity were awful though, but it has the edge over K3 Roller Skater for me.