• Prasad Jr. Shanmugasundaram

    Airtimes Débit Confort Vibrations

    Behemoth is a solid B&M hyper. The first drop is amazing, floater airtime is extremely good, layout is OK. I have to appreciate the 2 airtime hills after the helix, I'm not sure what other B&M hypers have those 2 final hills. The repetitive camelbacks can be a bore, but I'll take sustained floater any day! The only downside is that rattle. That made rerides a challenge but I know how to fight the B&M rattle. Other than the rattle, Behemoth is a great B&M hyper, it's a great ride! Just beware of that rattle, it can be nasty sometimes.

  • Prasad Jr. Shanmugasundaram

    Airtimes Débit Confort

    This ride's main feature in my opinion is that B&M hyper layout, but it's technically a B&M mini-hyper. The sustained floater airtime is one of the best in the world! There's a little bit on intensity, but it's really not that intense. Although the layout is pretty repetitive in B&M hyper style, who would say no to sustained floater airtime? I would take sustained floater airtime at any day! Goliath at La Ronde, this is an epic B&M hyper/mini-hyper.

  • Ethan Ausburn

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    I really don’t have to say anything here.

  • Ethan Ausburn

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    This is easily the best B&M hyper in America, it offers just about everything a b&m hyper should offer. I also love the different music tracks going up the lift hill; the mako soundtrack in general is just magical.

  • Ethan Ausburn

    Théma Fun Trop court

    Personally, I thought this ride was a lot of fun, I just wish it was longer. Also, you need to be lucky, I only flipped once. But I still like this because it provides a super unique experience.

  • Jax Lunsford

    Déception ! Inconfort Sans intérêt

    So glad they got rid of this, it didn’t fit with the park at all

  • Along 4 The Ride

    First Drop Déception !

    This is a much better experience compared to its stand-up days. The layout is good, but I thought the intensity was lacking.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Débit

    This feels a bit overrated. The only part that felt "elite" was the end. The final airtime hills are outstanding, and they are easily my favorite airtime moments of any coaster. That sustained floater is so cool, thanks to having just the buzz bar. Before that, though, I was a little bored. The first airtime hills were just OK and kind of clunky. The second hills were smooth and fun, but nothing exceptional. Capacity was horrible with one train running on a busy August weekend. Same for every coaster in the park. Why??

  • Juan V.

    Confort Launch Intensité Vibrations Trop court

    Brutal. Sin palabras tras 4 rideadas. Ojalá algún fabricante se animase a crear una cuarta versión de strata coaster con un recorrido interesante tras su Top Hat.

  • Juan V.

    Airtimes Théma Vitesse Vibrations Harnais Fiabilité

    Una montaña rusa divertidísima, en el pasado. Desde que las velocidades de los coches azul y rojo no están más coordinadas, ni se fomenta la competición por parte de sus operarios; sumado a lo muchísimo que vibra y la paliza que te da en el cuerpo, se ha convertido en una experiencia agridulce... Para ella recomiendo medidas de mejora, o su substitución.