• Sam P.

    Airtimes Launch Vibrations Débit Layout

    On the front row, Rita is at least semi-enjoyable. A lot of the poor transitions and the potholes are not as noticeable, and the launch at least feels decently powerful. Elsewhere on the train, it's a real mess though. The transition out of the launch is far too aggressive and slams your head left into the restraint, and the helix after the first hill is terribly rough. The rest of it isn't much better. Combine that with worst-in-chain shambolic operations (3+ minute dispatches and a front row queue that often moves quicker than the main one), the worst cattle pen queue in the land and trains that somehow are more cramped than the exact same ones that Stealth runs, They stink as well from being stored out in the open. This is definitely the weakest thrill coaster at Towers and one that hopefully will be swapped out for something significantly better in the near future

  • Holden M.

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Fun Temps mort

    I expected the worst coming in to this ride, having heard the horror stories of those TOGO transitions. However, after getting my unlimited wristband, I was surprised to find myself coming back for more and more and more rides, eventually hitting 13 in all. Those Premier trains worked wonders on this ride, resulting in the janky transitions becoming part of the fun. Combine that with the 105 degree Vegas heat making this thing run fast and the pure fun of riding a coaster that close to a massive building, I came off this ride with it being one of the best surprises of the year for me.

  • Cedric H.

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Layout Vibrations

    Karacho is my favorite Coaster in Tripsdrill. The beginning is awesome, the launch packs a punch and the inversions are great. I love the diveloop, especially on the outside seats. It's got a slight rattle that is sometimes noticeable but never detrimental to the ride experience. Even on full days theres maximum 25 minutes wait. The only thing it's missing in my opinion is a bit more airtime or hangtime and the middle part after the block brake is a bit too tame. All in all it's an awesome ride to have in your homepark!

  • Bryce Blanch

    Longueur Vibrations Temps mort Layout

    I find it funny that I prefer the SBF spinner over the giant boomerang. Amazing duration though. However, when the ride ends, it stays on the lift for like a minute

  • Harrison P.

    Fun Harnais Baffes

    this is a fun one, but it can be very painfull and even dangerous. one member in the group i came here with got concussed on this ride, and has had severe headaces since. it was still very exiting and was my first 4 d coaster, but if the line is long, its skippable.

  • Harrison P.

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    dang this one was fun. Its been 4 months since i was at that park, and yet, i still get chills from it. the first drop was great from any seat in the coater, and it only got better, adn over banked turn, shortly followed by an insane ijector hill. the dive loop was best from the front, but packed a punch from any spot. coming out of that is the element that I will never forget. the zero g stall was increadible, and is my favorite inversion ever. when i go back, if i go back, im riding this one. top 3 favorites eazily.

  • Harrison P.

    Inversions Hangtime Trop court Débit

    This was a fast and exillerating coaster, the launch was insane. throughout the inversions you were just weighless the entire time. One serious problem was capacity, this thing has the smallest capacaty ever. that and how short the ride is sad bc even with the flash pass, i was only able to do it once.

  • Hèctor Gómez

    Airtimes Situation Intensité Harnais

    This is the most intense coaster I've ridden by far. From the first drop all the way to the twisty I heavily greyed out every single ride, even in the morning rides, where the train wasn't even half full of riders. The first drop is phenomenal in the last row, and the airtime during the ride was very strong. In the morning it was just a good coaster, but it warmed up massively during the day, so in the afternoon it was flying through the layout. In my last rides of the day I was greying out 70% of the layout, it was ridiculous. Surreal coaster, but the over the shoulder restraints prevent it from being even better

  • Hèctor Gómez

    Airtimes First Drop Layout Vibrations Temps mort

    Awesome coaster. The first half is just perfect, and the final part is not bad. However, the floater airtime hill section is a dead spot, and it gives you time to realise that there is a pretty annoying rattle, especially in the last rows and the outside seats. If you can ignore that, you'll love Hyperion. My favorite moment was the first camelback, full of sustained ejector airtime. The most surprising elements were the stengel dives, very whippy and a great combination of airtime and laterals. 9/10 coaster for me.

  • Hèctor Gómez

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    This is the perfect coaster, it has no flaws and it's world class start to finish. The first drop is the best one I've experienced, and the off-axis turn after the stall was my favorite element on the ride. I found the second inversion to be the best one in Zadra, even better than the stall. The laterals, hangtime and placement made it a memorable moment. The coaster is not as intense in positive Gs as people say, Zadra is more about the laterals and the airtime. However, once it warms up, I greyed out in the first element. Excellent coaster and my top 1!