• David Parrett


    I had others at the park say they loved this ride but for me it had nothing of value and plenty of rattle to dislike. A single rail coaster is a gimmick, not an innovation.

  • David Parrett


    I rode it a night and it was a lot of fun, I liked how they turned the racing coaster into a two-loop race with different courses each time. This just didn’t make much of an impression on me for some reason. I think the lower height RMCs don’t do much for me. They’re still fun but not a top 20 coaster.

  • Dylan

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Ejectors Temps mort

    Shock Wave is an underrated rollercoaster at SFOT. It’s 116 feet tall has 2 inversions and has a top speed of 62MPH. This ride has lap bar and seatbelt restraints. Once at the top of the lift hill you round this 180 degree turn. It’s not too crazy but you might get mild force and whip in the back. Then there’s an ascent which I think reduced the airtime on the first drop but the first drop still gives good floater airtime in the back. What’s cool about it is that you are racing cars. Then the 2 back to back vertical loops are fantastic. They are very forceful and always cause me to grey out. It really helped because they were back to back. The ascent after that might give a pop of airtime. Then the 2 drops on the turnarounds have some powerful ejector airtime if you’re in the back seat. Heck even the front gets some floater airtime. It’s really weird because the drops aren’t steep at all. The reason they have so much airtime is probably because of the speed you enter it with. And the coaster may wobble a little bit but it didn’t impact the ride experience for me. I have a video of it wobbling on my YouTube channel Mr. Pro Bro. Then the 2 bunny hills after the turnarounds have good pops of ejector airtime. The 270 degree helix isn’t too crazy but it may have decent forces in the back. This ride is always a ride I try to ride at SFOT when I go there. The downside is that there are a couple dead spots. The 180 turns aren’t too thrilling but the 2 after the loops at least cause intense ejector airtime. I rate this coaster an 8.5 out of 10.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Débit Hangtime Temps mort

    The line moved pretty fast, compared to some other rides (cough Dark Knight cough). Out of the station is a little drop that was somewhat surprising and the main drop was a bit of a let down. I guess Batman gave me too high of expectations. Loop has hangtime, dive loop is eh, and zero-g roll is fun. This is because it’s a zero-g roll. Cobra roll is eh, and afterwards is a pretty apparent pothole. After the midcourse, there’s 2 corkscrews with hangtime and a bunch of dead spots.

  • Wicked Cyclone
  • Wicked Cyclone

    First Drop Confort Harnais Airtimes

    Why the hell is the restraint so comfy? Like I could take a nap in the seat if I wanted too. The drop made me feel like I was flying. Which I love and it’s one of my favorite drops on a coaster. But unfortunately, my ride on Nitro had no airtime. Which really sucks and made me depressed. Thankfully, El Toro cured my depression because El Toro is love El Toro is life.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    First Drop Harnais Hangtime Intensité

    This ride is great, but I am a little disappointed. The first drop was great, and so where the inversions. But I do wish there was more intensity. It lacked a little bit of force, but that’s fine. I really like the harness. It makes me feel really secure and comfortable and there is a big bar you can hold onto if you’re scared. All I’m saying is this ride did good, but it could do better.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Fun Intensité Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    This is weird. Didn’t know what to expect going into the station, but it wasn’t too bad. The only time the vest doesn’t hurt is with the comically large bar. Lift hill gets to let you see the line that you just missed, and it was crowded when we went so there were a lot of people. Drop had a decent whip to it, not anything like Batman but still noticeable. The pretzel loop is weirdly intense, you’re dropping and inverting at the same time. The turns after make you notice how bumpy the ride is. Once you’re in the brakes, you’ll sit there in discomfort for a few minutes. The dispatches flat out suck. Weird but fun coaster.

  • Wicked Cyclone


    Bank your damn turns, Zamperla

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Théma Fun Déception ! Inconfort Temps mort

    Fun to ride with friends, but otherwise 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱