• Xoa

    Longueur Temps mort

    for an visa spinner, it has a decently long cycle, but its also a visa spinner, so you cant expect much

  • Niko Ramos


    It’s just meh besides the airtime pop into the final brakes

  • Tom Fairnie

    Théma Launch Trop court Débit

    An excellent addition to the park with a nice step up for it's more younger clientale with a great launch and first inversion. It however is a shuttle coaster which have the downside of being short and low capacity

  • Ari Daje

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Fun

    This ride surprised me, I liked It a lot more than F.L.Y. and was just so fun!

  • Broward County Fence & Pergola

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Hangtime

    Love this ride. Best ever! I’ve been on 50 roller coasters and this one is the best. It gives you a fantastic 360 degree view at the top during a calm flat ride then creeps over the first drop and suddenly stops! The front seat hangtime is long and creates a high anticipation of the drop. Y the way the front seat sits 10 people. Then it droops and you feel weightless! It’s indescribable amazing ride. Only downside is the middle and back rows are not as good as the front.

  • William S.

    Inversions Vitesse Baffes Théma

    When I rode this ride it was very smooth and a good ride but the heartline rolls at the end made the ride very disappointing and sore which kind of ruins the ride. There is also not much theming surrounding the ride! I may consider riding again but not top of the agenda.

  • Matteo C.

    Launch Fun Temps mort

    Fun little coaster, nothing special. Still better than Hexenbesen though

  • Matteo C.

    Fun Vibrations Temps mort

    One of the weirdest coasters in the world. I think Wiegand was on drugs when they made this. Atleast I got a credit.

  • Matteo C.

    Théma Intensité Harnais Inconfort

    Just the soundtrack. Enough to describe this coaster.

  • Max S.

    Débit Longueur Baffes

    A solid B&M invert with a somewhat unique layout. It's the first one I've ever ridden that doesn't start with a big first drop but rather a small curve into the much larger one. This is a pretty cool way to introduce the layout and build anticipation. It also felt like a very long duration from the other ones I've ridden. The speed on this one doesn't seem as quick as the Batman's and definitely less whippy. I also experienced a moment of headbanging which I'm not used to on any other B&M invert. Capacity is always outstanding on these though and give very short lines no matter how packed the park is on that day. I would definitely like to ride it again one day. 4/5 stars