• Regina Thompson

    Baffes Déception ! Inconfort

    DO NOT RIDE!!! TOO MUCH HEADBANGING!!! Makes no sense... Why would I want my head to bang like that? I might as well be in a boxing ring. Ride can give people a concussion.

  • Coaster Nut

    Bonne suprise ! Confort Fun

    I was surprised by how much fun this ride was. This is by far my favorite suspended coaster. Who would have expected such good pacing and smoothness from an old Arrow? The twists and turns had some good intensity and made this a nice surprise.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité

    What an underrated woodie! This is a really fun, old-style wooden coaster that focuses on smooth and gentle airtimes. It's just such a pleasurable ride. I hadn't ridden this in years, and I was really surprised by how much more I liked it this time around.

  • Andrew Manley

    Chef d'oeuvre

    I think this might just be the perfect roller coaster.

  • Alberto MR

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Vibrations Trop court

    Es de las mejores de terran mítica pero se te va la cabeza pa todos los lados si fuese un poco más larga le daría 4 estrellas.

  • clubstep


    I liked Black Mamba more in every aspect, the prelift is unique tho so thats what the theming pro is for. Not a bad ride, but not Worth the 2 hours i had to wait

  • Cameron Davis

    Situation Intensité Inconfort

    It’s one of the roughest woodies I’ve been on. It’s only somewhat rideable in the front row. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother. Boulder crash 💥. They titan tracked the first drop, which is smooth and not the rough sections instead… I’m always wary on woodies due to susceptibility to roughness but this is rediculous. It doesn’t belong on the top 100. Period. If it was smoother, I think it might have a shot due to its intensity and surroundings but nah…

  • Robloxepicgamer1132

    Situation Fun Longueur Débit

    Nice family coaster with a good first two drops.

  • Robloxepicgamer1132

    Situation Fun Fluidité Débit

    Fun little coaster with some nice laterals in the first turn and some nice interactions with Hals Über Kopf.

  • Julian Fernandez


    It is Harry Potter, not really the ride here that matters it is the theme..