• Håkon Hapnes Strand

    Débit Inconfort Lap Bar

    At 183 cm, I'm a completely average-sized man, yet I struggled to fit my legs inside to the point that it interfered with my daughter's lap bar. I got told off by the operator as if it was my fault. To make matters worse, he didn't speak any English. In the end, he started the ride even if she was not properly secured because he would not bother to lift the lap bars again. Awful experience.

  • Connor A.

    Inversions Vitesse Intensité

    Have they made this faster?? I don't remember it being so quick! My favourite coaster at Thorpe Park. It's worth queuing for the front to see where you're going. Though, even then, the speed and unrelenting twists and turns make even front-row viewing challenging!

  • Håkon Hapnes Strand

    Débit Théma

    A good kiddie coaster that has great capacity, since it long train takes 38 people. However, the dark indoor section didn't have any theming, which seems like a wasted opportunity.

  • Håkon Hapnes Strand

    Situation Débit Temps mort

    An okay kiddie coaster that feels a bit dated. The tracks were rusty and could need some refurbishment. The wait time was also too long considering the quality of the ride. The kids liked it though.

  • Håkon Hapnes Strand

    Airtimes Fluidité Longueur

    Very nice and smooth ride with impressive duration and airtime throughout. It resembles El Toro, but the first drop is not nearly as steep (61 degrees vs. 76), and because of that it's not as intense. The monster gimmick looks cool and is huge. Definitely a crowd pleaser, but it also feels a bit pointless at the very end of the ride.

  • Mike H.

    Layout Vibrations

    I felt like a was in a shopping cart racing down a hill without any control at all. Luckily I had the front seat so the rattle was probably less than in the back. I was happy to survive this ride and will never ride it again. Please RMC it!

  • Mike H.

    Fun Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    Kondaa is another masterpiece by Intamin. The first drop is just nice, nothing special considering the height of onily 50 meters. But what follows is where this coaster really shines. It's a relentless sequence of elements including lots of ejector airtime moments that is just a lot of fun. During the whole ride it feels like Kondaa is constantly trying to throw you off. Of course the last row is the preferred seating area, but to my surprise also the middle seats deliver a lot of fun and are also recommended. Great ride!

  • Nora Westfall

    Fun Vibrations

    The ride is fun but so dirty and the stairs handle bar is rusty it looks disgusting the ride is fun but shakey and not really fast

  • Nora Westfall

    Fun Layout Harnais Inconfort

    This ride is fun and it makes me laugh every time but when your going the bar gets so tight on me it hurts and you have to sit like that until you get of

  • Nora Westfall

    Fun Chef d'oeuvre Trop court

    I love this ride and I love that the worker was being funny and lunching you after saying something funny that makes the wait better but it's very short and stops to fast