• Zunga Baboona

    Fluidité Trop court Déception !

    Overrated and not worth the line. Don't recommend.

  • Zunga Baboona

    Airtimes Fun Intensité

    This was my favourite ride of all time, it gives you the fear will it or will it now fall down and it is so much. Definitely recommend.

  • Zunga Baboona

    Airtimes Baffes Trop court

    Overrated, only ride for coaster credits.

  • Zunga Baboona

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    Very fun, I passed out my first time riding.

  • Zunga Baboona

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    It was very fun. Recommend.

  • Zunga Baboona

    Déception ! Sans intérêt Airtimes

    so upsetting. I don't recommend it.

  • Max B.

    Fun Layout Hangtime

    What it lacks in theming it makes up for in hangtime and speed as well as airtime, with a little bit of renovation to the station it could be even better and more pleasing.

  • Blake S.

    Vitesse Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    Rode near front, near back, and middle. Impeccable pacing, excellent elements, and a complete ride. Your proximity to the front or back will give you more whip at the start/end out of inversions, most notably the stall being whippier in the back, and the underflip being whippier in the front. However, every seat is a good seat. It's hard to pick a standout moment because every element is very good, but the double down with laterals is the most unique sensation. I'm used to floaty zero-g rolls, but the final two on this thing go for whip as opposed to hangtime, and I'm all for it. The prelift is also on another level compared to other RMCs I've done. Also appreciated are the TWO separate handholds on the restraint, grab-handles and a loop, whereas most other RMCs have zero. This may not even be the park's best coaster, but it just might be a perfect roller coaster, if that makes sense.

  • Travis W.

    First Drop Layout

    Solid Dive coaster. The main flaw is the short layout as is for most dive coasters.

  • Max S.

    Another fun kids' coaster to pair with Sprocket Rockets. This one is rich with history since it opened all the way back in 1929 at Kiddieland. Again, you won't find intensity but it's a perfect coaster to introduce new riders to since it has a nice drop and decent laterals. 1/5 stars