• IronChef C.

    Situation Intensité Layout

    A two-faced ride. Ride it for the first time, ride it in the back, dont brace yourself and it will be the worst ride of your life. It feels broken, it feels sloppy, it has a wicked jackhammer moment prior to the tunnel, and it's just scary. Now...go back and ride it in the front, at night, and know what you're in for and you will be treated to a "fun rough" ride. The intensity and location at night is an amazingly sketchy but fun ride. I dont know what happens, but it becomes such a different ride. Still intense and rough but much more enjoyable. I love this thing at night in the front row. The first drop, the tunnel, and the views are amazing. Brace yourself and give it a shot. ****Updated after re-track/profile: Perfect. The first drop has airtime, the ride is still intense but not painful at all, still has great pops of air and perfect laterals including one extended turn into the end run of hills. It no longer beats you up and the jackhammer is gone. Rode it roughly ten times the other day/night and it just hauls...are there any trims on this thing? I prefer the front row at night but back row during the day. I prefer it to I-305 now. Could use new trains...give this bastard buzz bars and it could be the best woodie around.

  • Koen

    Inversions Théma Inconfort

    The look is comparable with a car with zero options. No colour, no decent station, no decoration. Just straight imported from Expoland and done. Yet, they have done their effort to get a decent inverted B&M in such park. Still love the deep roar and swoosh sound of the B&M coaster. It sounds very mighty. The ride itself is ok for me, not my favourite elements but I can appreciate it. The first drop has a weird lateral push and after that goes into the first inversion or looping. All other elements and inversions are quite snappy. I loved the helix at the end which is also quite long.

  • J P

    Airtimes Intensité Ejectors Inconfort

    Relentless from the start! If this were any more violent, it’d be too much. After the 15th ride, your body will start telling you to slow down. Why is this world class rollercoaster at a carnival!? I will be dreaming about the double-up for a while. What a great ride! It was worth flying out from the West Coast to experience this beast.

  • Anthony Dean

    First Drop Vitesse Fun Vibrations Débit

    Overall, this is a fun wooden coaster, with a good first drop. It us quite rough though and the que was very slow.

  • Anthony Dean

    Longueur Vibrations Inconfort Lap Bar

    A fun ride for small kids, but for the adults squashing their legs into the carriage, not so much.

  • Coach Rolo

    Fun Layout Trop court

    Great kid to family coaster. Just wish it was a tad bit longer but the kids seem to love it

  • shrek

    Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre

    Best coaster i've ridden, it was very intense, everything you would want in a wooden coaster. Layout is very long and good, no dead spots really, a very good coaster.

  • Shroom

    First Drop Fun Vibrations

    Really cool family coaster. The first drop in the back row was really good and fun. After that it´s just a family coaster and nothing really special. At some points it was actually a bit rattly

  • Shroom

    Situation Fun Fluidité Temps mort

    A really fun Maurer SC. It´s really smooth and the location next to the lake is actually pretty cool. The first half had some good moments just like the second half, but it has some annoying dead spots because of the brakeruns, which absolutely ruin the pacing. Anyways it´s a good family coaster

  • Alberto F.

    Situation Fun Intensité Baffes

    BE CAREFUL, after the second corkscrew there is a massive headbang from the right especially for the latest cars, such a shame. Other than that the ride is actually pretty smooth.. A very classic. Stay on the front cars for a good experience.