• Dave Scott

    Launch Débit

    Xcelerator is one of the few Intamin Accelerators to get a lapbar, and it definitely benefits from it. Doing "something" with the power rather than bleeding it off needlessly is a big plus. Theming is effective and looks great lit up at sunset. Big minus however for capacity; by Cedar Fair standards turnarounds are extremely slow even on a dead quiet day (5-min despatch is not unusual). I assume the additional paranoid cross checking stem from the incidents on Perilous Plunge & Hydro that shared similar restraints.

  • Cole Jones

    Fun Temps mort

    The inferior Runaway Mine Train in England.

  • Nico S.

    First Drop Situation Chef d'oeuvre

    The first inversion is the best i've ever experienced, even better than the similar inversion on Zadra. The view with the mountains AND the sea is incredible as well. A slow inverison in the middle of the right, amazing. The pace at the end is a little bit slow, so it's just 4,9 stars ?

  • Micha Tirion

    Théma Launch Longueur

    Wow. The theming is astounding. Every time I enter Klugheim I am speechless. The launches are punchy, the near misses are awesome. This is not a airtime filled ride, although it has a lot of airtime. The main focus seems to be the near misses and the twist and turns through the village. The 2 launch is where this coaster really gets going. I don't mind the few shower spots in the ride since it gives you a breather and you can enjoy the theming.

  • Micha Tirion

    Théma Inconfort

    New style Vekoma shuttle family coaster. Great theming. Not very comfortable for a six foot guy

  • Micha Tirion

    Débit Launch Fun

    Nice, long, well themed Celina mine train with some very surprising and unexpected twists and turns. No seat devider so you will be tossed around. It has some nice laterals in some parts and the theming is outstanding as is expected of Phantasialand. Great family coaster, have been riding it for over 25 years now and I still like it.

  • Micha Tirion

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Love this ride. Not a drawn out long and massive b&m invert, but a shorter, twisty, low to the ground, intense experience. Do it in the front and you will get a new definition of what a head chopper or a near miss is. Sit In the back and you will have no idea what is coming since the whole layout is obscured from vision. Some say it kind of meanders towards the end, but actually the last part is designed to have a lot of downwards positive g's so your legs feel wobbly when you come of. This is in sink with the theme of a black mamba biting you and you slowly lose control and also sight, since you end the coaster in the dark.

  • Micha Tirion

    Inconfort A raser ! Temps mort

    Sorry I could add only 3 cons. This is a pointless coaster, with no redeeming attributes. It is rough, shaky, has abrupt brake stops and has terrible capacity.

  • Micha Tirion

    Airtimes Ejectors Longueur Vibrations Inconfort

    This is a weird mix of intensity, airtime, great layout, long coaster, good pacing, combined with a lot of rattle, roughness and slightly too small trains for a 6 foot tall guy with a backpack he needs to take on the train. Came off liking it but with a headache.

  • Micha Tirion

    Fun Longueur Temps mort

    Ride alone if possible, don't lean against the back rest and you will have an enjoyable ride filled with some decent laterals and some fun experiences since it is a bobsled coaster. Ride with 2 and lean against the back rest and you will experience a lot of rattle and discomfort.