Tous les avis
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors
My favorite coaster on the planet when I first rode it in 2004. After 2 subsequent visits in 2015 and 2018, and even after having ridden over 100 other coasters, nothing has changed that. To me it is as good as it gets. Sure, it isn't liquid smooth like some modern coasters, but I think that is what makes it so great. That rattling and shaking ups the intensity vastly. The first drop is spectacular, the second, decent. The turn around suspended way up in the air on the supports is fabulous. Then, and oh boy, THEN, the return trip back to the station. That is where this thing earns its money. The airtime hills are truly the best there are anywhere--in the right seat. It is way better than decent in any seat, but get it right and it is pure ejection city. It just makes me laugh. To me this is coaster perfection and still my favorite coaster I have ever ridden.
Fun Harnais Déception ! Inconfort
On several sites online this is considered to be one of the worst coasters on the planet. I don't really understand that. Sure, it isn't at all what I would call smooth, but it isn't painful. The first drop delivers a nice pop of air. Then a couple of loops, followed by corkscrews. It finishes with a rather forceful (positive G) helix. Overall, it delivers a pretty decent ride. There are a couple of rough transitions--especially entering the first corkscrew, but it isn't nearly as bad some others I have ridden (Ninja at SF Georgia). I have ridden this as many as 10 times in a row without bruising or limping afterward, if that means anything to anyone. Nowhere near a great coaster, but also nowhere near the worst. More than a useful addition to the park. Fun and worth the ride.
Airtimes Intensité Ejectors Inconfort
This ride had huge expectations to live up to. It is widely considered to be one of, if not the best wooden coaster on the planet. I rode it in the very back seat to maximize the intensity and airtime. This coaster is known to deliver airtime in bunches. The lift hill is rather unique--quiet and this accelerates on the way up. It reminded me of Millenium Force. Then the turn-around at the top. This is your last chance to breath for quite a while as this quite a long ride. The first drop is right up there with the best in the world--on any coaster of any type. It is astounding. It is ridiculously steep. It almost seems inverted like the Jersey Devil. The airtime is insane. I was thrown up into my lap restraint the entire way down. This process is repeated on the next 2 camelback hills. Fantastic. Then, there is one more major airtime pop on the fourth hill that is an amazing head-chopper on top of that. This is right when the coaster transitions from a standard out-and-back style to a twister style coaster. There is one section right after that first, amazing transition drop that is quite rough. The only real rough part of the ride. It slows decently on the second half, but it doesn't need any more speed than it has as it is truly intense all the way to the end. Great ride, a bit too extreme to endure arms up in the back seat, from start to finish, but still a world class ride. I didn't get a chance to ride up front, but the sustained, ejector air delivered in the back seat is amazing and truly some of the best in the world. It pains me a bit, as I absolutely love the wooden goodness at Holiday World, and The Voyage is one of my very favorite coasters in the world, but I think this is even better. Truly worthy of the all the praise. It is absolutely world class.
Vibrations Baffes A raser !
this is one of the worst rides ever. my lip was bleeding. tear it down
Vibrations Inconfort
RMC makes family coasters y'know?
Airtimes Théma Vitesse Débit
If it wasn't for having to watch the pre-show every time, it'd get more stars.
Théma Longueur Temps mort
Station, BIG DROP, lift hill, curve, lift hi-BRAKES, lift hill, curve, station. The most Arrow Dynamics rollercoaster I've ever been on.
Situation Baffes Inconfort A raser !
What do you expect from Ednor - just another SLC. My favourite part of Ednor was getting off the ride and the location. A trash ride on a beautiful setting - La Ronde's lake. All I remember from creasing off the lift hill to brake run is bang, bang, bang! Either retrack Ednor and give it vest restrains or tear it down! Highly don't recommend unless if you want a headache.