• Cole Jones

    Inversions Intensité Inconfort

    I’m yet to ride colossus, but I don’t think it’s gonna be better than this. Sik is one of the most underrated coasters in the UK and I have no idea why. There isn’t a single bad spot on this ride, and it’s glossy smooth. The restraint does hurt a fair bit on the simultaneous heart line rolls, but it doesn’t ruin the experience that much

  • Cole Jones

    Fun Inconfort Layout

    It’s definitely one of the family rides at Flamingo Land. It spins a fair bit, but the layout is pretty boring. It’s quite uncomfortable if you’re in an outside seat, so do try to stay in.

  • Cole Jones

    Intensité Vibrations Trop court

    My first SLC left me with a decent impression, but I doubt it’s gonna last. This ride is pretty relentless, but it’s far too short. There is a fair bit of roughness, but it doesn’t ruin the experience.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Théma Fluidité Longueur Inconfort

    F.L.Y is probably the most beautiful roller coaster in the world! The whole area around it feels so realistic and seeing the ride 'F.L.Y' over peoples heads is so exciting. The ride experience itself is very mysterious because there is no way of seeing everything until you ride it due to no filming allowed at all. The launches are cool to experience in a flying position and the ride has strange pops of airtime and good positives + it feels like it goes on forever which I really like even though I find it is very uncomfortable on the legs as flying coasters aren't really my thing which is why I believe F.L.Y would be nowhere near as good without theming.

  • Cole Jones

    First Drop Fun Débit Inconfort

    It’s an S&S El Loco. You experience a flurry of unique elements and a godly first drop. The restraint is very open, however it feels like it’s trying to put a dent into your back. Bonus points for the support structure, it looks very cool.

  • Cole Jones

    Launch Temps mort Layout

    So much potential….wasted. That launch is great, but you do absolutely nothing after it. You just meander about when you could be doing so much more better stuff.

  • Cole Jones

    Vitesse Vibrations Inconfort

    It’s really not THAT bad. The restraint can be annoying but overall it’s alright. The major issue that I have is how poor the track work is, this rollercoaster feels like it came out of Planet Coaster. Far from as bad as people paint it out to be, but it’s a skip.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Vitesse Intensité Layout Inconfort

    This ride is complete bonkers from start to finish! The first drop into the structure has solid head choppers, ejectors and speed through a fast lateral ejector speed hill. The outward banked turnaround gives a great dose of positives, laterals and ejectors into the massive stall which is a gorgeous moment of upside down airtime and laterals. The following outer banked wave turn is another violent punch of strong lateral ejector which feels like Zadra is trying to kill everyone on board! The giant camelback is a nice moment of sustained flojector into a zero g roll through the structure which is very disorienting as the ride flips around giving good hangtime. The double down is another moment of thigh crushing ejector into a brutally fast paced twisted ejector hill full of laterals and a final hangtime filled upward barrel roll before a ridiculous slam into the brakes. Zadra is an absolutely fantastic RMC coaster with very good forces, speed, theming and also beautiful trains. Cons I have with it are the restraints because they have shin guards that dig into tall peoples legs and it was running slower than usual when I rode it but it still managed to leave me breathless.

  • Thijmen B.
  • Ethan Ausburn

    Inversions Intensité Layout Vibrations

    Overall I thought this was a fun ride and underrated in my opinion. It’s pretty intense, I greyed out at least 5 times! Though I would point out that it had a bit of rattle but not to the point where I was banging my head, even in the last row. So the rattle is definitely noticeable but not unbearable.