• Cole Jones

    Airtimes First Drop

    Easily the best ride at Portaventura. Godly first drop, great floater and incredible speed. On top of that you also get a cool splash down thingy. One of the best colour schemes on a coaster aswell. I don’t have many credits but currently this is my no 1, and I imagine it will be like that for a while.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Lap Bar Longueur Intensité

    I love this ride. I’m proud my home park has an elite coaster like this. If you couldn’t tell, diamondback is a B&M hyper and has loads of floater airtime, maybe the most floater in the world. It’s so sustained that, in the back row, you sustain airtime on the first hill from the start of the ascent all the way to the valley of the hill, and your butt is in mild pain. Speaking of mild, this ride is not intense. It may look intimidating, but on the ride it’s pure fun. There are no extreme positive or negative g’s, nor shoulder breaking laterals *cough cough backlot.* If heaven was a ride, this would be it. You go deep in the woods in the middle and glide along and on top of the midways in the start and end, and it’s a great experience off-ride because of that splash down. It is super picturesque and a staple of off-ride footage at Kings Island. I give it a 4.5 because I wish it could have a little added intensity. Maybe make that turn into the mid-course tighter, but that’s my only minor complaint. Over all a great ride.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Situation Vitesse Trop court

    Throw theming up there in the pros, I can’t add anymore. I don’t care how hyped the shed was, it’s a great ride, and I don’t care how OVERRATED the ride is, it’s a great ride. Seriously though, people have to chill with the rave reviews and talk about Diamondback, that’s something to rave about.

  • A Wild Walter

    First Drop Débit Lap Bar Trop court Temps mort

    Another great creation of B&M, this blue giga coaster may be outshined by a coaster 1/3 of it’s size in the same park, but this ride delivers a fairly intense experience, most notably the Orion’s Belt, and some great moments of airtime. Two moments of floater, two ejector, one flojector. You start off with an incredible first drop, diving into a ravine and delivering arguably the best airtime moment in the ride. Next comes two useless elements, an airtimeless wave turn and a rip-off treble clef delivering no forces. I would rather have to i305 type snaps, the first a little less drawn out going 45° to the right, and the next being way more sustained going all the way back into the next element. However, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. Up next is a flojector speed hill with 5 awesome second of air, then a camelback giving the last floater moment. Then we head into a massive gray-out inducing helix into a mini twisted dip which gives possible the best airtime on the ride. The ejector is most definitely the strongest, however it’s not sustained, so some may prefer the first-drop like me. And then the pop into the brakes comes shortly after. I would’ve liked to see more to the layout, as when you pop into the brakes, you have half full tank of gas.

  • A Wild Walter

    Situation Fun Longueur Temps mort

    All though some may argue that the Beast is a rough, boring ride with no forces or any type of good elements, while I may slightly agree this is one of the most pure fun coasters for me, and also that’s untrue because that final helix is intense. While I may have some bias as this is my first big boy coaster and is very sentimental to me, this is one of the most fun coasters I’ve ridden in my puny credit count, but there are so many pros I can’t choose which ones stand out the most.

  • A Wild Walter

    Débit Inversions Intensité Vibrations

    The most intense ride in the park, this invert suffers from a rattle. In all rows but the front, this rattle can get intense if you’re on the wrong train and can ruin the ride for some. I can get past this, though, and enjoy the ride for its intense inversions.

  • A Wild Walter

    Intensité Inconfort

    By discomfort, I mean how I get a headache on 75% of my rides. Don’t hate it, don’t love it, it’s fine as it is but I don’t usually ride it.

  • A Wild Walter

    Théma Situation Launch Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    This may just have the worst capacity in the park. It is super popular among the gp which makes the problem worse, and now with Orion, they may ride that and see this ride next to it and figure, “Might as well ride it while we are here!” That’s my main complaint, but the ride is also super rough and the trains are uncomfortable. I can stand a rough ride, but the trains may ruin it for some. This ride does have some upsides, though, like the launch, theme, and fact it’s indoor, but the cons, especially capacity, outweigh the pros so much that it’s the worst thrill coaster at the park, and three family coaster beat it, that being Bat, Racer, and Backlot. As a homeparker, I just can’t justify riding every visit, which is why my ride count isn’t even double digits.

  • A Wild Walter

    Théma Situation Longueur Layout

    Layout delivers nothing, and I know it’s meant to be a family coaster, but just not my type of ride. Fun theming and setting though.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Vibrations

    Nice junior woodie.