• Troy M.

    Vibrations Déception ! Inconfort

    It was a bumpy ride lol. So glad RMC turned this into the masterpiece that is wicked cyclone!

  • SoapyPenguin621

    First Drop Ejectors

    when will it open again

  • Alex S.

    Launch Harnais Hangtime Temps mort Fiabilité

    Going in, I did not expect as much from Flight of Fear. I personally enjoy the lap-bars (even though a lot of people don’t), as they allow for some good hang time on the cobra roll, sidewinder, and the corkscrew. The launch also still holds up pretty well over 25 years later. After the main 3 inversions and the drop off the mid course however, the ride is basically just a bunch of intertwining filler track, which could have been SO much better. The main problem with FoF is that the kings dominion version specifically had been very unreliable. My visit (June 2022), the ride was only open for 2 hours that day until it broke down.

  • Alex S.

    Airtimes Vibrations Temps mort

    While I don’t think Hurler should necessarily be RMC’d, Hurler is primarily filler track and has also gotten rough (my last ride was October 2022). The first 3 small hills after the first turnaround provide some decent airtime, however the rest of the ride focuses on turns and laterals that just don’t hit right. Not awful but not good.

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Temps mort

    It fulfils its purpose as the only kiddie coaster of the park, but even for being a ride for the small ones, it is fairly weak. Theming is also lackluster.

  • Lukas 42

    Vitesse Intensité Ejectors Trop court Débit

    Due to the low capacity, I would advise to ride this coaster first when going to Thorpe Park, this one often has the longest line of all coasters. Theming is nothing special on the outer queue, but indoor, it is pretty well executed. If you want to fully see the small darkride part before the acutual coaster section, I would recommend to take the rear of the two vehicles about to dispatch. The ride itself is pretty short, but aggressively paced - there are some very snappy moments of ejector airtime. I braced for some headbanging (especially when thinking at Huracan at Belantis), but while still not being very smooth, it was absolutely tolerable. I think, these circumstances fit pretty well to the theming as one of SAW's deathtraps.

  • Lukas 42

    Inversions Fun Débit Inconfort

    I braced for some headbanging due to its reputation and the bulky restraints, but this coaster run surprisingly well. Yes, there were some slight vibrations, but nothing to write home about it. The inversions are all good fun, especially the finale with the quadruple heartline roll. The optical presentation is actually really nice - the coaster itself is very photogenetic and I appreciate the lush greenery it is located in. The biggest downsides of Colossus are the uncomfortable trains (they are very cramped and the harnesses are very cumbersome to pull down), which may lead to the low throughput of this ride - the second train had to wait quite a bit on the final break run everytime. So I would recommend to ride this coaster as early as possible (at best, right after coming off SAW!)

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Confort Fun

    An absolute winner for Paultons Park: with two trains and quick dispatches, lines were surprisingly short for this nicely themed coaster. The queue in a wooden "barn" underneath the slides and the station look very nice, even a catchy soundtrack is playing. But the ride itself is great fun: Albeit still being family-friendly, it can still pack a punch and when properly loaded, the spinning can get pretty intense. The coaster runs very smooth and the cars are very comfortable for every body height. Altogether, Storm Chaser fits perfectly into the attraction lineup of Paultons Park!

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Vibrations

    Theming is top-notch for such a small ride. It is a good starting point for ongoing enthusiasts, but unfortunately, one of the s-bends has some pretty distinctive jolts to it - which is not a good sign for a coaster just a few months old...

  • Lukas 42


    Your fairly standard family boomerang - nothing special for us thoosies, but the target audience will be happy with it :)