• Brian Fajardo

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité

    This ride definitely lives up to all the hype, it's about as intense as it gets with it's great airtime moments and it's incredible speed while also having the best theming I've seen in a coaster like this. The ride starts at an amazing speed and maintains it for a while making you think that it won't go any faster (which would honestly still be fine given that it's very fast) only to launch you with what feels like double the speed. All these things make this ride one of my absolute favorites.

  • Brian Fajardo

    Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Théma

    What an insane ride, by far the most airtime I've ever felt on a coaster, the main ninety one degree drop was incredible not to mention the sheer speed and intensity of the ride. There's a good reason this coaster is ranked number one and it's my number one too.

  • Viviana Ovalle


    Bastante brusquedad sale uno con mucho dolor de cabeza cervicales y hematomas con mareo y vértigo así no lo haya tenido uno antes y el dolor permanece durante días no sé como no se ha caído algún niño


    Théma Vibrations Inconfort A raser !



    Théma Launch Chef d'oeuvre

    Para ser la primera de su tipo es una maravilla



    Las operativas son muy lentas y la salida es muy larga

  • Niko Ramos

    First Drop Bonne suprise ! Confort

    The seats are very comfortable, the first drop is more intense than the roller coaster part, and it has a nice surprise too! One of my favorites.

  • Niko Ramos

    Airtimes Launch Ejectors Vibrations

    It has some great ejector airtime and has a very forceful launch, but it did have a little rattle, still fun though.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Inconfort Sans intérêt

    A pretty boring ride that also kind of hurts when your knees bang against the solid metal lap bar.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Vitesse Fun Longueur

    Pretty solid woodie and really the only reason to go to this park. It definitely has that signature GCI layout with those unique GCI elements but it runs like a CCI between the excellent laterals and pretty weak to nonexistent airtime. I also enjoyed the first drop between the excellent laterals going into it and great sustained floater going down it. In general, the best elements on the ride are towards the beginning but the coaster keeps its pace really well the entire ride despite a lot of the elements at the end of the ride being relatively void of force. The coaster does have that wooden coaster rumble to it but it’s not necessarily rough apart from one pothole at the end of the first large turn. However there is 2 problems I have with this ride but they aren’t really related to the actual coaster itself. The first one is you are not allowed to stay in your seat and reride this coaster even if there is no one waiting for your row or even if the queue is completely empty. You must walk back around to the entrance and through the queue which is a pain and severely limits the amount of times you can lap this coaster. The second issue I have is that the park is completely dead, or at least it was the day I went. This might seem like a good thing but this means it’s pretty hard to ride with a full train, so most of your rides the train will be nearly empty which causes the coaster to run significantly slower. Overall, this coaster is nowhere near being one of the best woodies in the country, but it’s a long, relentless and just plain fun ride that makes the visit to Beech Bend worth it.