• Coaster Person

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité

    Wow this ride was running well this year! I wasn't a big fan of this ride last year, but after my rides this year, I love it! There are multiple great airtime pops going off the turnarounds and on the final run of hills, this ride has amazing laterals, and it's very smooth. Morey's has done a lot of retracking work on this ride recently, and you can tell. Great White is a very fun ride

  • Coaster Person

    Situation Intensité Layout Vibrations Inconfort

    Great Nor'Easter is a fun ride, it has great positive gs, a good layout and some fun visuals. It isn't the most comfortable ride, however. If you had told me this ride had been completely retracked just 5 years ago, I wouldn't have believed you. It's still rather rough. The sea serpent roll, the sidewinder, the exit from the in line twists, and the final few dips are very jerky, and the ride is consistently rattley. The trains sort of help, they have vest restraints, so you aren't going to bang your head on anything, but the lap bar portion of the restraint will staple you, which can cause discomfort. Overall, I'd say Great Nor'Easter is a good ride, not perfect, but enjoyable. I'd say it's about on par with a Batman the Ride clone.

  • Daksh Gahlot

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    This ride is absolutely insane. Greatest first drop of all time. Between this and VelociCoaster, Florida is a theme park heaven. Worth going down to Florida to ride this beast.

  • Samuel H.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Situation Vibrations

    Favourite coaster at the park

  • Samuel H.

    Longueur Débit Inconfort A raser !

    Beautiful to watch, disgusting to ride.

  • Samuel H.

    Vitesse Vibrations Inconfort Layout

    It had nice moments but it got far too rough throughout the day for me to enjoy it. The layout is pretty silly too.

  • Samuel H.

    Bonne suprise ! Intensité Layout Théma

    The best Eurofighter in the UK by a mile. Intense, varied layout and very reridable. Very strong layout.

  • Samuel H.

    Lap Bar Fun Fluidité Déception ! Temps mort

    I was pretty underwhelmed with this coaster. Weak airtime hills, slow rolls, pacing issues. It was a fun ride but people make this out to be one of the best coasters in the world... I was disappointed. I'll give it another go when it is warmer in the summer months, as I did ride it when it was snowing.

  • J S.


    Incredible airtime but the restraint can be painful

  • J S.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors

    My favourite woodie in the world