• Tom Fairnie

    Vibrations Inconfort

    An old woodie which is rather uncomfortable to ride and with better offers in the park is not really holding to it's age

  • Tom Fairnie

    Théma Launch Déception !

    A decent launch coaster which is incased and supposedly in the dark alas there was enough light to see the whole layout which for me was disappointing for this type of coaster

  • Tom Fairnie

    Théma Fun

    A well themed and rather enjoyable mine train

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Intensité Ejectors Trop court Théma

    Pantheon is an incredible ride. It gives some wild ejector airtime with several powerful launches. The ride may be a little on the short side, but it's otherwise a phenomenal ride.

  • Tom Fairnie

    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse

    A fantastic hyper which utilizes each of its hills to give great airtime throughout the whole ride

  • Tom Fairnie

    Inversions Intensité Longueur

    A thoroughly enjoyable and intense invert with huge drops and large inversions which also includes a slow JoJo roll

  • Adam Tortorello

    Airtimes Situation Fluidité Trop court

    The lift hill takes a substantial amount of time to climb-not ideal for someone afraid of heights. The first drop is smaller than its height and curves to the right as a sort of warm-up. The track then curves up and to the right to prepare for the ultimate moment of the ride: the 230ft plunge into the ravine with Thunderbolt. The hill is not very steep, so it builds speed to the point where by the time you reach the bottom, you are HAULING. This is pure adrenaline rush, made even better if you are riding at night and/or in the front row. The coaster then does a giant bank to the left, bank to the right with one small airtime hill, and then an alley of several airtime hills in a row. You are launched up in your seat repeatedly and feel the need to hold on for dear life. The ride is phenomenally made and smooth despite its age. It's short but because of its dynamic layout, it feels minimally long enough.

  • Sam P.

    Théma Confort Chef d'oeuvre

    Of all the rides I've ridden, none have left me awestruck in quite the same way as FLY. Let alone doing so before I even rode it. The whole area of Rookburgh is absolutely spectacular, walking down into the area off of the main street is like something out of a movie, and the whole area is as well. It's the little details for me, the smoke coming out of grates in the floor, the supports have extra pipework on them to fit in with everything else, i could go on and on and on. By far the best themed area I've ever seen. Once you've stood in awe for a few minutes, you can enter the pretty long queue line, where you get some amazing views of what you're about to ride, so I don't mind that it's so long. The locker system they operate is very intelligent, very easy to use, and it also adds to the whole idea of the AirRail company, check in the baggage, go through security etc. Then you enter the station, again amazingly themed, and board the very comfortable trains. Vekoma really knocked it out of the park with the loading system, and the way you transition from sitting to flying. You go through a short preshow section, still in seated position, until you reach the launch, where the train rotates, and then you're off. Both launches are very good, I do feel like the first had a little more kick though, it really gets going on there. You then enter a layout that is the absolute perfect balance between forceful and the enjoyable sensation of flying. And you really do feel like that, it's pretty incredible. You get a fantastic mix of positives, airtime (yes, airtime on a flying coaster, and it's good airtime too) and some slightly higher up parts where the train slows a little, and you get to look over the whole of Rookburgh. There's a few nice effects on the way round too. This coaster is pretty much perfect, and I really hope somewhere else gets a Vekoma flyer at some point because the whole ride system is exceptional. However, I really doubt any subsequent ones could top the masterpiece that is F.L.Y.

  • Sam P.

    Théma Fluidité Inconfort Lap Bar

    I don't much enjoy these family boomerang rides, the trains are pretty cramped for the taller person, and the backwards bit never agrees with me much. However Raik gets points for continuing the areas spectacular theming, and for it's interaction with Taron. Also credit to the park for installing a decent family coaster as well as their flagship thrill ride. One and done, but at least it looks great. On a quiet day, you may also get lucky and go round twice. Never seen a boomerang operate like that, so fair play to them!

  • Sam P.

    Airtimes Fun Longueur Inconfort

    I'll knock my con out of the way first, this is not a comfortable ride. The seats are very hard, and they feel extremely small, there's very little support for your back particularly if you're taller like myself. I found myself not enjoying the ride as much as I could've done because of this. However, regardless, this is a hell of a good mine train. The length is crazy, it feels like it's going on forever. A few of the drops and hills give genuine airtime, not crazy but still pretty forceful. Some of the helixes and turns are pretty snappy too, for what is the parks main family coaster. There's no doubt that layout wise, it's one of the best family coasters going. Impressive ride, I just wish it was a bit more comfortable so i would want to do rerides!