Tous les avis
Inversions Intensité Baffes
nice and intense. the only downside is that you get a quite bit of headbanging
Situation Déception !
Good ride, but the ending is super disappointing. You go up a lift hill and go right into the station. :/
an absolute classic of a ride and it's really fun
Fun Vibrations
enjoyable ride but it is a little aggressive
Not much to say. Simple kiddie coaster pretty sure this is a clone and I've ridden this type of layout in multiple places. Does its job if very generic
Fun Intensité
really fun ride and quite intense
Fun Longueur Inconfort Layout
This ride was somewhat fun for me but nothing too special. It is your typical mouse-type ride with quick 180-degree turns and occasional drops. I thought the first lift went pretty quickly and then took you into an actual decent drop for a mouse ride. You're fairly high up at this point after the drop and do quick turns that make it a bit nerve-wracking if you're any bit afraid of heights. It's also a pretty long ride so you can get some value riding this coaster. The two big cons for this ride are the shin guards that make you sit very uncomfortably and the layout can seem boring after the first few turns. We rode it at least twice so it was worth another ride but I would not sit in an actual line to ride again if the park was busy. 2/5 stars
Théma Fun Layout
FLY is an really great and fun coaster. Never been on any kind of coaster like this one. The airtime on FLY is really strange but really fun, the location and Theming are insane!!!!
Airtimes First Drop Fun
I enjoyed this way more than Jersey Devil