• Daniel K

    Airtimes Débit Confort

    The day I went, fury was hauling, it was a cool day in January, and I got 2nd to back row, and I got the best ride I’ve ever gotten on it. The floater and slight-ejector was perfect!

  • CoasterHead

    Situation Fun Vibrations Baffes Layout

    The Big Apple Coaster Not necessarily bad, but it isn’t great either. The layout is super weird but some bits are kinda fun. Of course I haven’t ridden it before the new comfy premier rides restraints, but I can only imagine how awful it used to be with the shoulder restraints. But I am assuming that the track profiling has not been fixed at all because "wow” it is JERKY! Also I would be aware that the layout is very mediocre, the first half from the drop to the mid course is very fun! But the rest is just meandering around and kinda boring, except for one nice pop of airtime. But like I said, not too bad but it ain’t great. So, is it worth the $20 to get to ride the Big Apple Coaster? I mean, if you are really wanting that credit then yes I would say it is worth the checkout, even if you aren’t a credit counter. I say yes to see how bad it really is, all in all, not a terrible ride. Final Score: 58%

  • Mike H.

    Inversions Confort Fun

    I really like the seats. They are very comfortable and the outer seats are floorless. The first drop is great and the overall ride is great with lots of inversions and airtime hills.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Fun Layout Théma

    Most important is: you need to ride this coaster in the last 2 rows. In all other rows the ride is much less intense. First drop is great with good airtime. After the first airtime hill you have the Stengel dive which is great fun (first Stengel dive ever build). The overall ride has a good pacing and the last 3 airtime hills all have nice ejector airtime. Great ride with a lot of fun without being too intense.

  • Formuoli

    Airtimes Intensité Ejectors

    11/10 would definitely ride again! Absolutely loved the launch sequence on Daddy Pig, as you go from 0-200 in about a nanosecond! The airtime was the best I’ve ever experienced and it had ALL THE FLOJECTOR IN THE WORLD! My favorite part of the ride was when Daddy Pig HIMSELF graced us with his glorious presence as we came back to the station!

  • Joel Simon

    Situation Fun Trop court

    Right next to the ski lift in La Bresse is Schlitte Mountain.Its a rather short but still fun Wiegand alpine coaster. When I was there it was pretty busy, everyone who went skiing also did a lap on the coaster. So watch out not to go behind scaredy breakers. Also its pretty expensive with 8.10€ for 1 ride. The good thing is, its all year round open, independent of the weather conditions

  • Gula Magic

    First Drop Théma Intensité Débit

    It was great. It had a little darkride segment with thunderstorm and stuff, that was cool and the drop had some tummy tickleing to it!!! And of course you get apsolutely SOAKED!! The only thing that i didnt like was the capacity, the park was a ghost town but this ride had a 20minute wait :P

  • Gula Magic

    Débit Layout Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    It was ok.............The turns had some interesting PAIN and JANK to it but id say a pretty fun ride? [Honestly only recomened it if youre an enthusiast and want to get the credit :P

  • Gula Magic

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Lap Bar

    The lap bar was really hard, and that was my only problem!!! Overall this coaster is a very good suprise with it being pretty forceful and had some okay airime too!! And great themed station!!!!

  • Gula Magic

    Lap Bar Fun Vibrations Inconfort

    It was a cute little coaster!! A cred is a cred!!!