• Ivan M.

    Inversions Intensité Baffes Inconfort

    I haven't ridden this in years but I've noticed that it's had a resurgence in popularity in the coaster community and I'll certainly be sad when this thing gets scrapped. As the last of the Arrow mega-loopers that's still standing, it represents an era of coaster design that we'll never get to experience again, where you could get away with not heartlining your track on a nearly 200-foot-tall looping coaster. Most of what I remember about this coaster is the roughness but I'm will try to ride it again this summer with a fresh point of view and a newfound appreciation for what it means to the community and rollercoaster history.

  • Ivan M.

    First Drop Bonne suprise ! Intensité Harnais Inconfort

    If the seats rotated smoothly this would be a 10/10 coaster. The first drop is insane, the backflip comes as a great surprise, the way that the seat rotations interact with the inversions is simply genius, and the whole experience just shows you how ballsy company officials were when they greenlit this. It's a shame this ride bankrupted Arrow and was such a pain to get running but I'm just so happy that this ride, flawed as it is, exists. The fire is a nice touch, as well.

  • Ivan M.

    I don't remember too much about this one and that probably says most of what you need to know about what this ride was. It wasn't bad, it wasn't too rough and it had a few airtime moments but for the most part, it was unspectacular.

  • Ivan M.

    Lap Bar Fun Harnais

    Almost 100 years old, smooth as glass (slight rattle in even rows but I've ridden worse B&M's) great headchoppers, and some good pops of laterals and airtime? What's not to like? It also looks great with the paint job and it has buzz bars so you feel free and open over some of the stronger airtime moments, especially that hop into the midcourse.

  • Ivan M.

    Baffes Débit Sans intérêt

    Pain. Just, why?

  • Ivan M.

    Confort Fun Fluidité Débit Temps mort

    It's a fun little ride but there's not much to it. Hurricane, for all its jank at least had some interesting elements but this is just a standard spinning coaster. Still, there are good views of the beach and at least something is there to fill the void.

  • David Čuban


    I really like that wooden theming. It's a cred and when you ride it with your friends, it's also fun!

  • R E A D Y d o t

    Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Vibrations Intensité

    This is an absolute beast of a coaster. The themeing is good, I wouldn’t call it awesome, there‘s way better out there. But the ride experience has no equal as far as I have ridden to this day. It is desorienting, it is fast, and it is very forceful! It is an unrelenting onslaught of air- and hangtime, sideways ejectors, quite intense positive Gs and wonderful surroundings over the water. This thing whips! I rode it twice and was extremely impressed, but I did find it a bit too intense for my taste. I had a temporary headache after each ride, it really gets your blood pumping. And well, yes, it’s a Mack Ride and it also has the Mack Rattle. I wonder how long this ride will stay smooth, as the forces are quite impressive? Only time will tell.

  • Thijmen B.

    Débit Déception ! Inconfort A raser !

    After all I've been told about this being the most alright SLC. This thing surprised me! It surprised me by how shit it was.

  • Karst

    Ejectors Temps mort

    I am glad this ride does three laps, it's incredibly boring except for the singular drop that's in it. Thatone actually has some mad ejector in the back row, gets you absolutely flung out of your seat. It's basically a standard wacky worm layout. Overall pretty generic. You cannot feel the little bumps at all, I feel like the coaster has some good suspension orso, which is a shame, because it would have been nice if it would be rougher there.