• Drive Safely

    Airtimes Intensité Layout

    Piraten is an outstanding ride that does a ton especially considering its small size. Despite barely exceeding 100 feet, its airtime is powerful, especially the camelback and back-to-back-to-back twisted airtime hills. The first drop is very good, and the subsequent first turn consistently makes me gray out. It’s a bit on the shorter side in both ride time and height, but Piraten is a powerful airtime machine that’s able to hold its own against rides much larger.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Lap Bar Situation

    This ride is awsome, but you have to sit in the back row. The first drop gives good flojector and a great stomach dropping feeling. The first camelback gives great sustained floater, and the twisted Camelback gives even stronger floater paired with laterals. The helix is kinda forceless, but still fun, and the second half has lots of good small drops with strong floater airtime. I love how the ride is constantly diving in and out of trenches, the second Camelback is especially cool, because it's so close to the lake. I also love the clamshell restraints. I found a way to get tons of room, and it really adds to the ride experience.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Vibrations Déception ! Sans intérêt

    People tend so say this ride is either really fun or really boring, but almost everyone says it's smooth. I thought it was rough and boring. No where near as rough as Wildcat, but paired with a boring layout, a rattle isn't a good thing.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Sans intérêt

    This is literally the most forgettable coaster I've ever ridden.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Situation Fun Temps mort

    This was a decently fun family coaster, with a great location. The ending part over the water was also decently intense.

  • Trim Brakes 06
  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité Temps mort

    I don't know why people say this has no airtime. The first half has several fun floater moments, including an awesome first drop. The drop of the turn around actually gives ejector, and the second to last hill gives a weird ejector moment. A lot of the second half is a dead spot, and it's not super extreme, but it's a very fun ride

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Inversions Fun Inconfort Temps mort

    This ride was kinda boring, kinda fun, and kinda rough. All in all it was fine, but nothing special. UPDATE: I got a re-ride and it was definitely better. It was less jerky and I appreciated the quirky layout more. Floater air on the drops and positives on the loops are definitely the highlight.

  • Dorin Davis

    Airtimes Situation Fun Débit Temps mort

    Outright amazing ride! The floater airtime is amazing and the views on the peninsula are too.

  • Coastermatt 69

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    Holy shit this ride is amazing! There is strong ejector everywhere and the first drop is absolutely nuts! Plus this ride is fast af! Definitely the best coaster in the park