• X Coasters Forever

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors

    Skyrush is easily one of the most intense roller coasters in the world. The ride is packed with a cable lift hill that brings you up incredibly fast, 5 zero-G airtime hills, and insane low to the ground turns. This thing gives some of the strongest ejector airtime on a coaster and is also considered one of the best in the world! This is by far one of the most intense and greatest roller coasters ever built. The first drop is absolutely mental because it feels like the train is going to derail every time! It’s also my favorite drop I’ve ever experienced! Every hill also gives powerful ejector airtime, especially that first camelback! You just get sustained for a few seconds as you go flying out of your seat! I also really like the back-to-back Stengel Dives because they both give some insane laterals and the first one gives some great sideways airtime and the low-to-the-ground turns pull insane positive G’s! My favorite parts of Skyrush are easily the drop and the first camelback because they give the strongest airtime on the ride! This thing hauls too, especially at night! It is one mad powerhouse and is overall one of my favorite coasters I’ve ridden. It's definitely the most intense hyper coaster I've ever ridden!

  • Robert A.

    Layout Airtimes

    Good second half as the ride keeps getting more intense through the course, back left is the best seat for laterals. A rare case of a wild mouse providing no airtime but this may be down to the seatbelts

  • AlwysNTruble

    First Drop

    Best RMC out there trust me.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime

    This was my first RMC and it did not disappoint! This is an excellent addition to BGT, my home park.

  • clubstep

    Inversions Situation Fun

    I like that it has a modern Layout that sneaks through the Ways of the Park. Near misses on Trees and Buildings are present and it even has minimal Airtime Moments :D its a little short and lacks in pure intensity, but its still a B&M invert and the Setting and Nightrides make up for it in my opinion. Solid good unique experience

  • Danilo G.

    Fun Débit

    The better one of the three.

  • Danilo G.

    Situation Intensité Vibrations Baffes Harnais

    I have ridden much more worse SLC’s than this one. Great location tho

  • Danilo G.

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Théma


  • Danilo G.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Intensité

    After that launch, you get thrown out of your seat straight into a loop and then doing it all backwards. I was not expecting the coaster to be that much fun!

  • Danilo G.

    Fun Inconfort

    For a coaster standing for more than a 100 years it is so much fun! We laughed all the way till the end. People who complain that much look like they don’t know how old this thing is!