• Florentin K.

    Airtimes Fun

    Because of the great airtime, this ride was incredibly fun and apart from the potholes not uncomfortable.

  • Coaster Key

    Layout Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    Lukewarm garbage. Pure lukewarm garbage. The layout is there and some airtime moments and nice looking turns or elements, but it’s horrifically rough. With the PTC trains being on that ride for so long it does not help at all. Again, there’s a decent drop, turns, and an airtime hill or two, but you cannot enjoy it at all because your busy suffering from your legs being beaten up by the train because the ride is that bumpy and the track is that rough. Don’t ride this more than once. And If you do sit in the front in order to not shatter your femur bones.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Great, great little coaster. It far exceeds the "amazing" stats that it lists on the signage in the queue. It obviously isn't very tall or fast, but it still delivers. It is plenty quick to evoke forces on you to give an excellent ride experience. The stat that stood out the most is the 12 air time moments. I was a bit skeptical of that. After riding it several times, I can 100% confirm you get all 12. These are not just some vague, perhaps .01 of a G that the designers counted. No, these are legitimate, full-on pops of airtime. I counted all 12 distinctly each of the last several times we rode it. This takes the crown for me as my favorite family coaster.

  • Brian Sheldon

    What can I say? I'm a credit whore. This actually isn't a terrible little coaster. I BARELY fit, but it wasn't torture at all like a few other kiddie coasters. It does exactly what it sets out to do--give youngsters a taste of what roller coasters are like.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I mostly went to KK for this ride. I left with it not being my favorite ride in the park, by quite a margin. This is still a very good coaster and a great addition to this park's limited coaster list. It isn't quite as "pudding" smooth as other RMC's. There is definitely some minor herky-jerky and plenty of vibrations--nothing at all painful or even the leas bit uncomfortable, but just very noticeable. The first twisting, inversion drop is pretty cool, perhaps not spectacular, but very neat and unique. The ending is a bit lethargic--it is almost like KK contracted them to build a 2700 ft coaster and RMC already had a 2400 ft design finished. So, they simply added an extra turnaround with a couple of slow paced dips at the end to make up the footage. Now, I highly doubt that is the case, but that is almost what it seems like. Overall, a really good coaster, but for me, not world class.

  • Brian Sheldon

    My first B&M hyper. This is more of a hyper-twister layout. The brakes, kind of reduce how good this could be--they put them in very poor locations--especially on the first big "air" hill after the initial drop and turn around. They don't kill it, by any means, but they are definitely noticeable and reduce what should be amazing air to just barely OK air. This ride accomplishes what it is designed to--deliver a very good ride while keeping tons of people moving through the queue. It is intense enough to be very good and smooth enough to re-ride all day. A very good coaster.

  • Brian Sheldon

    This is what a hyper is supposed to be. Tall, fast, and full of air. My favorite B&M hyper.

  • Brian Sheldon

    First let me say, what a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE name. How many Goliath's does Six Flags need? Just dumb. This was my first RMC--I went the first weekend it was open to the public several years ago. The wait was ridiculous, mainly because they were only operating 1 train and also because no one understood the loading procedure. Several people per train were too large to get the restraint light to go on or off for the operators and every time they complained and argued that they don't want to get off after waiting for well over an hour. They just kept pleading with the operators to keep crushing them harder until the light does what it needs to. It never worked. It just slowed things down even more. The ride itself was a new experience as RMC's are definitely unique. The best way I can describe how it felt was to say that it felt like we were riding on a puddle of pudding. It was just so perfectly smooth. The first drop is fantastic, not other worldly, but very, very good. A couple of the floaters were again, very good, but not the absolute best. The zero G stall takes this from just a good ride, and elevates it to an excellent one. Truly unique maneuver that is so slow you can't believe it while you are on it. It is by far the best element of the coaster. Overall a very good coaster, but not quite a top 20 of mine.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Great, great coaster. I understand why coasters became so popular in this country because in 1924 they built this thing of beauty. It is far, far better than many, many much younger coasters--especially some "old" wooden ones that are decades newer than this. It obviously isn't the tallest or fastest, but it delivers a fantastic ride, even by today's standards. Truly a classic.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Best part about this ride is the name. I don't know why exactly but the T-I-G apostrophe RR just cracks me up. I just loved saying it. My niece and nephew thought I was nuts. They may be right. Anyway the ride itself is OK. There are a few rough spots, but nothing terrible. The whole structure seems to go into a resonance vibration about 2/3's the way through. You don't notice it while riding, but while in line watching. It is a bit frightening to see the entire structure vibration. The sound it makes during this is more than off-putting. We only rode it once all day and it was a walk-on if that tells you anything.