• Samantha P.

    First Drop Situation Intensité Baffes Inconfort

    Ahh Kraken.. was once my top coaster! But recently re-rode it after many years and was disappointed.. found it super rough and uncomfortable (also my harness unclicked a bit on the first drop.. so I was pretty scared the whole way round my harness would come open !!) Love the color of the track, and it used to be awesome as the only thing towering over the lake, personally I think it doesnt look as good when you come face to face with Mako after the lift hill.. but just personal opinion as i liked it back in the old pre-mako days ;) Biiig mistake putting VR on that coaster though.. I opted out of the VR when I went, but it slows down operations soo much ! Awful! Hope they get rid of the VR completely !

  • Samantha P.

    Théma Situation Launch Vibrations Baffes

    Used to be almost unrideable sometimes on any row apart from the front.. gave terrible headaches! But much better now since its recent re-track.. Love the location over the water and the roar it makes.. The launch is cool into that first inversion (although preferred the audio before the 're-theme' when it used to say "I, I think this time its going to work.. " last time i rode it it didnt say that anymore..) Theming is good

  • Samantha P.

    Inversions Confort Fun Théma

    I looove blue fire! Not the most punchy launch ever, and loses speed pretty quickly.. but a launch is a launch and always fun anyway ! :) Really like the overbank right after the launch, especially if you're sitting on the left side of the train.. awesome ! Love the loop.. but maybe that's just me because loops are often my favourite elements :P The rest of the coaster is just really fun ! And the last inversion is crazyyy for hangtime ! What a way to finish ;) Really love how the queue line is right under the coaster so you get great views while waiting in line.. with it being EP i wish there was a bit more theming in the queue line (i'm thinking Wodan) .. but not sure what else they could have done with the open line like that..

  • Marijke D.

    Sans intérêt

    "Lift Hill - The Ride"

  • Clement CoasterEnthusiast

    First Drop Fun Fluidité Théma

    Toujours sympa a rider quand je passe en vacances ici moi qui aime essayer des vieux coaster. Fluide malgré son age ! (D’ailleur sa me fait toujours rire de voir 15 projecteur s’allumer rien que pour une petite photo xD) la première fois que j’ai rider ce coaster sa m’a fait bizarre de ne pas avoir ni de lap bar ni de harnais

  • Heiko Hartmann

    Vitesse Hangtime Inconfort

    A lot better than the standard Sky Wheel. But the waiting times were abysmal...

  • Heiko Hartmann


    This is the best spinning coaster I have ridden so far. Interesting layout and due to the spinning, each ride will be different.

  • Heiko Hartmann

    Inversions Intensité Intensité

    This B&M Inverter is actually better themed than its 'Batman' counterparts in the Six Flags chain. Smooth inverter which packs some punch. A lot better than the Vekoma SLCs.

  • Heiko Hartmann

    Intensité Harnais

    A lot better than the Giant Boomerang 'Goliath' in Six Flags New England - this is actually quite fun and intense. It's also relatively smooth. Still, I don't like the restraints and the prison-like atmosphere of the station, though.

  • Heiko Hartmann

    Déception ! Inconfort

    A total waste of wood. Not only does it rattle like hell, it also has a totally uninteresting layout.