• Solar Winds

    First Drop Fluidité

    My favorite first drop on any coaster. I love how it keeps a true sense of speed throughout and is very smooth for its age.

  • Ben Redshire

    I thought this was very fun and underrated. The open and airy feel of it really add to it, and the launches and spikes are great too

  • Ben Redshire

    This is the only dive coaster I've done so maybe that's why I like it so much. The drop is great, as well as the inversions. It is a little short though and could use more elements. Yukon Striker seems better in that way, although I haven't ridden it.

  • Ben Redshire

    The launch and the height it reaches are incredible

  • Ben Redshire

    Everybody knows what Steel Vengeance has to offer so I won't really go over the ride which is amazing. However, it is a little overrated and isn't even the best ride in the park, let alone the world. While there was a ton of airtime, those airtime moments honestly weren't as strong as I expected them to be. Overall tho, it's still pretty amazing

  • Ben Redshire

    It's not a bad ride but being at Cedar Point means it gets completely outshined. It was a little rough and isn't as good as the floorless coasters that weren't originally standups, but it's still fun.

  • Ben Redshire

    I love B&M inverts and this is my favorite so far. I got a front row ride and it was completely smooth, along with being incredibly intense (that last helix!!) and it has amazing snappy inversions.

  • Ben Redshire

    It's very close to being 5 stars, but for me it's just quite not on the level of the very best coasters I've been on. It's still very good and quite intense, especially that first turn.

  • Ben Redshire

    Maverick is currently my favorite coaster. Everything about it - the drop, quick transitions, airtime hills, and the launch - are executed perfectly. It's probably the most rounded coaster I've been on. It's really gonna be hard to beat this one for me. If there is one flaw it's the restraints, lap bars would elevate it to a whole other level. At least it's the soft OTSRs and not the hard intamin ones.

  • Ben Redshire

    Magnum is absolutely incredible and very underrated. The airtime is very extreme, especially on the return section. I really don't remember it being rough or painful either. In my opinion this is a top 3 coaster at Cedar Point, and sometimes I can't decide between this and Steel Vengeance.