Tous les avis
First Drop Inversions Fluidité Temps mort
Great first drop, but I didnt feel like the quarry wall added much. The inversions are forceful, but there were some dead moments in-between. Very smooth
Launch Vitesse Intensité Vibrations
What a freaky ride! The launch and inversions are great, then it ends with a crazy maelstrom of head-choppers and turns. It's a bit rough, but not enough to bother me much.
Situation Layout Ejectors
So fast-paced and fun! Really unique location and layout. My first couple rides were lackluster, but I'm glad I gave it another chance. Once it warms up it tears through the last half.
Inversions Intensité Harnais Inconfort
Very intense, but the elements and layout are not exactly unique. The harnesses were uncomfortable to the point that I didn't enjoy the whippy-ness as much as Golden Lasso. It wasn't exactly rough though.
First Drop Intensité Débit
Refreshingly intense ride. As a boomerang hater I was shocked to find how much I loved it! Only went twice though because the line moves slowly.
Layout Temps mort
The best coaster at Enchanted Village, but not necessary a great ride overall. The layout is diverse, but not particularly intense.
Baffes Trop court Harnais
Pretty short for a full-circuit coaster. Though I appreciate its history, the harnesses are very uncomfortable and there's a lot of headbanging.
First Drop Vitesse Layout
Very fast-paced with a surprising layout. Love the first drop
Airtimes Ejectors
My all-time favorite as a kid! Lots of airtime and surprises.
First Drop Fun Ejectors Vibrations Trop court Débit
I really enjoyed the first drop, but I feel like it was slightly dissapointing