• Daniel H.

    Situation Launch Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    The launch is ridiculously intense and has like 4.7 Gs on it. However, on the inline twist it dug into my stomach and caused really terrible pain. And, obviously, it is the roughest coaster in the park and mabye in Spain. I wouldn't go on this ride again.

  • Daniel H.

    Inversions Fun Longueur Temps mort Intensité

    Great fun to go on once or twice. After a few rides though, it can get really boring. Plus, once the seatbelt that was supposed to secure my shoulder restraints fell out. Absolutely terrifying!

  • Daniel H.

    Airtimes Débit Fluidité Temps mort

    Shambhala has the most floater airtime of any coaster that I have ever been on. I never got the ride on the front or the back thanks to assigned seating, but it was still absolute euphoria.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    This ride is an absolute airtime machine. You start with that amazing first drop with an insane ejector pop in the back, then you get 2 great sustained ejector hills and then the ride ends with 3 very rapid fire ejector bunny hills. This ride just has so much airtime, and lots of different types of airtime too, plus it has some solid positives on the turn after the first drop and s bends. The coaster does loose a little bit of steam during a few sections though. I also really love lightning run's layout, it starts with a great first drop and sustained airtime, before going into some off into a sort of twister section with outer banks and s bends, and then ends the ride by throwing as much airtime at the rider as possible. Its the perfect layout for a smaller scale coaster based on airtime. overall this is one of the best coasters simply for airtime in my opinion, it has a few other tricks up its sleeve, but the ride is pretty much focused only on airtime. The airtime isnt as strong as a coaster like Storm Chaser which happens to be in the same park, but its definitely still solid ejector. This coaster is just full of great quality, quantity, and variety in the airtime, but the lack of other forces holds this ride back for me personally, but wit that said its so great at what it tries to do so it finds a spot into my top 10.

  • Kommi

    Débit Inversions Situation Vibrations

    This ride is a classic. Great capacity, (all three trains running when I went), rock solid inversions that are still fun to this day, and the secluded location in the back of the park, not to mention the interlocking corkscrews that are extremely photogenic. The only slight problem with this ride is that it has a rattle.

  • Dylan McIntyre

    Théma Inversions Intensité


  • Dylan McIntyre

    Airtimes Fun Intensité

    Ride for fun

  • Dylan McIntyre

    First Drop Fun Chef d'oeuvre



    Lap Bar Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Temps mort

    Overall this ride is incredible. Not only does it look beautiful, but it also rides very well. The airtime hill pretty much always hit well, and that wave turn is heaven. The twists in and out fling you sideways and the airtime pack a punch. Unfortunately, because the are quite a few parts that are very high off the ground, there can be a few minor dead spots but nothing major. Overall one of my favorite coasters and I am super thankful that I could ride it. I also want to mention how good it looks. While it is higher off the ground than rides like Zadra overall, this makes it look incredibly massive. It looks like a huge majestic beast, and you know that you're in for a treat.

  • Ruoning L.

    Fluidité Sans intérêt Layout Intensité

    just your average kiddie coaster