• Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Launch Intensité Trop court

    I was on a trip to USA last year with 27 other Dutch and Belgian Coaster fans. And we did already great coasters but this RMC was fenomenal. The launch on the lift hill is amazing so fast and then the real deal is the quadrupple down, THis element is so fun. I've ridden it in the mornig like 12 times because we had an hour ERT but the evening ride is the best with coaster because you don't see anything of the track in the dark. I rank this coaster as number 7 what a great 3rd RMC.

  • Rik Steetsel

    First Drop Lap Bar Intensité Débit

    I rode more than 200 coasters before i get on this one but this was the first time when i stand in front of the line/queue that i was a little nervous. To bad i knew already the secrets about this coaster but how it do that to me is awesome. Smooth coaster for a Gerstlauer and very random layout and low on the ground. And the way of let you know where to sit is awesome. Theming wise this is amazing and with a nice soundtrack from Imascore this is a perfect coaster for a 6th place in my top 20 coasters still. Only negative is the capacity of the ride with 3 trains on a busy day but we had 2 trains so it was more then a half hour wait for us.

  • Rik Steetsel

    First Drop Inversions Situation

    In 2018 i was going for the first time with a group of Dutch Coaster enthiousiasts to Sweden to test Helix, Balder, Wildfire and Jetline. And Wildfire was the best of the trip. It was my first RMC and it was also my longest ERT on a roller coaster with a total of 1 and a half hour on Wildfire. The ride is perfect with a nice detailed station and a first drop on right spot. The zero G Stall is amazing with that floorless feeling. And the whole lay out is the best what i did back then. Number 5 for me on my top 25 coaster list. I did it one time in the rain and thats not fine.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes First Drop Longueur

    This was another bucketlist ride i had on the roadtrip in USA 2019. This coaster can you see on the highway whenyou are arriving this 2 state park. I did this ride the first time in the dark for 2 rides and the operations where amazing, they send the trains in less then a minute then. I thought that Europa Park was the only one. Then the ride it self is exactly what you expect from a Hyper/Giga from B&M, It have amazing airtime, its long and have great forces. Also the trims in some hills don't bother me. So this is on this date my 4th favourite coaster.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    This coaster was after Kingda Ka and Cyclone one of the first coasters of the trip. And this ride is amazing it blew me away with the fast lift hill and the first drop. Then the amazing airtime makes it a good coaster. And at the end of the day 2 nightrides on this beast was it def. my 3rd favourite coaster i've done. If you near by do this one i recommend.

  • Slovis Celery

    Fun Débit

    Fun spinning layout, some of the transitions really throw you around, but there is a significantly better spinner in the UK.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    I did this ride on a megatrip in the USA last year, and this was off course one of my bucket list coasters. And finally i'm here to ride it and it was awesome. I waited 3 times 1 and a alf hour to get in but its worth it. The Airtime is amazing also the hangtime and the first drop but the best part for me was the third hill what was only airtime you don't feel your seat the whole hill. I love this ride and now i want to know how Zadra rides. Is it the same or better or worse. This one is my number 2 of my top coasters.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Théma

    I rode this ride for the first time last year, on the fourth day of our trip to the USA. I love this ride it have what i need from a coaster like Airtime, Height and G Forces. Also it was not busy that day the longest wait for this coaster was 15 minutes so we dit it in the night like 12 times with 3 greay out moments that i never experiences at a rollercoaster before. It lacks on theming but that is almost every rollercoaster in America if you live in Euope. But this one is my number 1 for sure and a long time i think.

  • Jorrick

    Débit Fun Longueur Harnais

    This ride, is together with the area it's in an overwhelming experience. The duration of this coaster is endless and really good. Next to that it's a very comfortable ride, the harness can be a bit rough but for a flying coaster it's really good. Another + point is the capacity, Vekoma & Phantasialand really outdid themselfs (again) with this ride. It's very high on my list and I can't wait to F.L.Y. again!

  • Erik C.

    Inconfort Intensité

    This ride was horribly painful for me. I know many people love the intensity of this ride, but it made my legs feel like they were being crushed, and that ruined the experience. If all my rides were like this one, I would probably rather go on Grizzly. Props to B&M for making such an intense coaster in such a small space!