• David Čuban

    Bonne suprise ! Confort Layout

    This was my first Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster and I completely felt in love with this type of the coaster. This ride is so fun! I love that soundtrack, layout - especially indoor surprise, incredible launch, perfect dive loop and last inversion. What more this coaster fits perfectly to surroundings of the park. Lap bar is also very comfortable. I love Karacho!

  • David Čuban

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Layout

    The biggest surprise in Heide Park! I didn't know anything about this ride before I rode it. Faster then I imagined, great indoor section and really good fun eventhough it is not intense.

  • guy perfect
  • guy perfect

    Fun Layout

    Again, I can't be too hard on this coaster. It's a simple kiddie coaster that serves it's purpose.

  • guy perfect

    Eh... it's probably the world's best wild mouse outside of the one at Blackpool, but that's a pretty easy accomplishment.

  • guy perfect

    Théma Vibrations A raser ! Layout

    I think this is actually the worst coaster that I've ever been on. It's painful, but I don't mind rough coasters that much (i like GOUDURIX, for crying out loud) if the layout's good. Now, how bad is El Diablo's layout, exactly? When you go out of the second lift hill, you pick up some speed, then go into some brakes and into the third lift hill. What was the point? I understand that it was supposed to interact with a mountain which wasn't built because of budget, and the piece of the coaster that interacted with it was removed too, but the weird as hell layout, the rattle, and the feeling of your back slamming against the hard seats just results in a painful mess that I never want to ride again. A lot of people said this thing feels like hundreds of track pieces stuck together. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. The only thing that's decent about this ride is the theming, but that's pretty much it. Turbo at Brighton Pier is the same level of bad in my opinion, but at least that has the intensity going for it. This is just a really bad, boring coaster. This thing takes up a lot of space, and PortAventura hasn't had a new coaster (in the main park) since 2012, so I wouldn't be opposed to this being PortAventura's first coaster to be removed.

  • Nan Dave

    Théma Inversions Hangtime

    Well themed but short ride experience. Great launch and capacity isn’t a issue due to it being such a small park.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    What a ride! The pacing is relentless, theming brilliant and the forces are incredible.This ride have the best overall package I have experienced when it comes to ride experience. Not a single dull moment and not a sign of a dead spot! And the g-forces is the most complete package ever. They are all over the ride. The restraints are ok, and the ride have some bad rattle in the 2 first valleys. But killer pacing, insanely good g-forces and some of the best direction changes I have experienced make up for the rattle. The most complete coaster I have ridden and my current number One.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    First Drop Situation Vitesse Temps mort

    Wildfire has some of the best views in the world. The drop is the most forceful drop I have experienced. The ride has good forces, both positive and negative. The outside wave turn is the most bissare and brilliant airtime moment ever. The pacing in the first half is rock solid. Then it slows down a bit during 2nd inverion and then picks up the pace again. The 3rd inversion is taken at crazy speed. Then the ride completely dies over the last hill, that is the only really dead spot during the ride.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Temps mort

    This coaster is a masterpiece. Good theming in the queue and station. The drop is really good, the g-forces insanely strong and the airtime is strong and have a very good variation. The pacing is wild, but there are some ''quieter'' spots during the ride. But overall the pacing is excellent and the overall experience is a 10/10. This ride is truly world class and a must ride during a visit at Ferrari World.