• Slovis Cellery

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    this ride is brilliant, amazing pacing, wild transitions and airtime, and some fantastic inversions!

  • Slovis Cellery

    Lap Bar Vitesse Ejectors

    This coaster is just pure insanity, balls to the walls from beginning to end, every element is tight and whippy, it's pure insanity and I love it, very, very good ride.

  • Slovis Cellery

    Airtimes Fun Longueur

    This ride is Smooth, elegant, flowing, twisty, and fun. Very different to other RMC's, it's a lot more natural and 'standard'. Of course there's off axis moments and outterbanks, but these all flow throughout the layout very naturally, it feels aggressive yet smooth, twisted yet natural, if you like just a good ride, this is where you go. Of course looks stunning on the Skyline, but I wouldn't say it's as wild as something like Zadra or Lightning Rod, which float my boat more, but dang this coaster amazing.

  • Slovis Cellery

    Airtimes Layout Longueur Déception ! Airtimes Lap Bar

    Great Ride, Tonnes of Airtime, not all ejector, as some of the moments are quite weak, but some great inversions and ejector moments, Very Overrated In my opinion, and was a lot better in 2018, but this year definitely not number 1 on earth.

  • Mark L.

    A raser ! Sans intérêt Lap Bar

    I loathe mine trains, and this ride is why. Lap bar and exposure to nail in seat I was in caused my leg to bleed. Rickroll this thing outta the park; it knows the rules, and so do I.

  • Mark L.

    First Drop Déception ! Temps mort

    Honestly a good B&M dive coaster, still wish it had a cool element like Griffon's splashdown. The GP of fake news has ruined this mediocre coaster's reputation.

  • Mark L.

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    There's too much to say about this other than, RMC deserves all my cookies and cash for CP. Just...inversions, airtime, smoothness, longevity...talk about a foretaste of heaven. 2 years solid as my #1.

  • Djeez

    Airtimes Vitesse Layout Vibrations

    Behemoth is the best hypercoaster out there (or at least 2nd compared to Shambalah). IT does have a slight rattle on the bottom of the hills over the water, but still smooth nonetheless. The airtime on Behemoth is strong floater air, and for me, I get more in the front. The first trim does hit a little hard, but this is because Behemoth runs faster than its advertised speed. I've had rides with no trims before and it is just insane.

  • Djeez

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors

    Leviathan will always be the most underrated Giga coaster. It has an amazing drop, the pacing is insane, ejector airtime on the speed hill plus strong floater air on the airtime hills. It may be on the short side, but it is still 55 seconds long, which is good for me. The ride is still very smooth, there is zero rattle to the ride.

  • Djeez

    First Drop Intensité Fluidité

    Got to ride this beaut 7x in a row in late August. Finally! a dive coaster that is worthy. The vest restraints aren't as tight as Valravn and you get airtime on this ride. Loop and second Immelmann are the most intense part of the ride, and you get a pop of airtime during the straightaway. The last 7/8th of the ride is okay, yes you get a little bit of airtime on the airtime hill, but great complete ride nonetheless.