• nathaniel vlottes

    First Drop Hangtime Vibrations

    Although some seats had a pretty strong rattle, mainly the ones on the side, I still really enjoyed this and rode it 10 times today.

  • nathaniel vlottes

    Airtimes First Drop

    Compact coaster, with a really surprising first drop in the back seat. The train is pretty long so that definitely helps. You get more airtime in the back, the front really is a lot worse. Also i literally touched one of the trees during one of the turns, so keep your hands close, it could literally be kinda dangerous otherwise.

  • Joep van Baren

    Fun Débit Déception !

    Put a few more trains on the track, make it a little faster so you get airtime and it's way better. In line there was a very pretty french girl behind us tho.

  • Joep van Baren

    Airtimes Launch Chef d'oeuvre Débit

    What a suprise. Launch is really good, expecially the last one. What a ejector airtime. Great height as well. However on the day I rode it they were running 1 train? Single riders line spared us a lot of time.

  • Joep van Baren

    Launch Fluidité Trop court Débit

    Cool indoor launched coaster. Fast launch and strange feelings in the looping depending where you are sitting in the train. You dont get that high on the last spike because of the trim brakes.

  • Joep van Baren

    Vitesse Fun Ejectors Inconfort

    Actually quite enjoyed it. Great airtime and pretty rough, seats make up for this though. Great pacing.

  • Joep van Baren

    Airtimes Vitesse Fluidité Fiabilité

    Should have made an inversion somewhere. Gets close to the groud a little too quick, didn't mind a extra big airtime hill.

  • Tropics Tracker

    Vitesse Fun Longueur Airtimes Temps mort

    This ride is great fun, And it feels like it zooms through its layout but despite this it lasts a satisfying amount of time. There was no airtime for me and i've heard this coaster has some. There was some spots that just were pulling no forces at all.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Fun

    These rides actually have two ejector moments, if you sit in the back. I enjoyed this one more than the KD version, not sure why.

  • IronChef C.

    Confort Fluidité

    silky smooth and very comfortable. sorta wish it was longer and the capacity is bad but luckily, like everything at Knoebels, the ops are the best. very good ride and I'd take it over all the eurofighters i've done (I know its not one...but...basically)