• IronChef C.

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    What more do you want? The best restraints on the planet, the best ops on the planet, amazing speed and intensity, bonkerz drop, looks beautiful, the treble clef turnaround is so unique and the ride itself is the perfect length. My best rides to date have been front rown on this bad boy for last rides of the night w/o the trims and i was floored by it. It's a good ride in any row, its the best ride in the front at night, however. This thing carries the speed throughout beautifully, the tunnel is great, you get a bit of floater here and there and it really is tough to find a fault with Fury 325.

  • IronChef C.

    Launch Fun Intensité

    LRod doesn't have a weakness. Its been reliable lately so hopefully that's all solved. Launch is bonkerz. Theming is perfect. Location is perfect. RMC trains are great. Pacing is fantastic. Ejector air is great. Strong and intense the whole way through. It's like the wooden version of Skyrush; its fast, its intense, it has insane ejector, it has a fast lift hill, no inversions, and sort of hates you. Amazing Ride.

  • IronChef C.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité

    Cant really find a fault with it. I really enjoyed it. I suppose it could be maintained a bit better, but Six flags is bonkerz. I found it pretty comfortable and loved the pretzel loop. Nice ride, a real overlooked gem in the park.

  • IronChef C.

    Vitesse Fun Trop court

    Back row! You will be pleasantly surprised with the air and speed in the back whereas the front felt pretty tame overall. Bonkerz laterals and a fun layout but it's over very quickly and can get some long lines compared to others in the park.

  • IronChef C.

    Situation Fun Longueur

    Really good Alpine Coaster with plenty of length. You get some fantastic speed and some solid intensity during the turns. Definitely dont use the hand brake. The price is reasonable and it's location is beautiful in the mountains is bonkerz. Definitely hit it while you're in the area.

  • 手取Fishland

    Airtimes Situation Temps mort

    Phoenix、El Toro、The Voyageらと「木製四天王」を形成する大物コースター。ここ二年内に乗ったコンディションで、「四つの中から一つ選べ」と言われたら自分なら迷わずこのBoulder Dashを推す。理由は至って単純、「これが一番コワかった」。スリルのあるライドが好きなもんで。〆のファイナルヒルさえ上手くまとめてたらトップ3に入れてたんだけどな。あそこだけ完全に孤立しちゃってて何も起きない。

  • Chase W.

    Situation Layout Longueur

    This was my first alpine coaster so it's hard to compare to a conventional park coaster, but its really fun and different. It is not intense but instead was kinda peaceful and thrilling in a mystical way. The climb up the mountain took a long time but was still enjoyable due to the wooded surroundings. At one point a groundhog was mere feet away from me foraging for food and didnt seem to mind my presence. It was like I was one with nature. At the crest a sign will instruct the rider to push the brake bar forward. It might tempt you to pull that lever up to slow down a bit but I recomend letting your cart fly as fast as you can. It feels a lot faster than it actually is due to the low profile to the ground and the trees whizzing by at close range. Try it out y'all.

  • Kaspersetz Slide Studios

    First Drop Inversions Bonne suprise !

    Great drop, but would be better with the vests. The inversions are also quite snappy and intense. Very nice light theming, and a great loading procedure, seat arrangements, and flying bin system, although it sadly no longer does the 35 second operations that it was doing back in May 2019.

  • 手取Fishland

    Inversions Fun Débit Déception ! Airtimes

    一言で表すなら「シーダーポイントらしい」コースター。 要するに、他のパークで評価が定まったモデルをボリュームアップ(たいてい1.5倍程度)した「決定版」を後出しジャンケン的にドーンとぶつけてくる、っていう何時ものヤリ口。 ただし、それらは規模で劣る従来機に評価で劣ったり、より大型の後継機にあっさり取って代わられる運命にあったことを忘れてはならない。

  • Nathan F

    Intensité Vibrations Temps mort

    Wild One is very old, and you can definitely feel it throughout the ride. It's not such an intense rattle that it ruins the ride, but it's closer to that line than I'd like. However, the ride pulls crazy lateral forces and is fun the whole way through. The drops are amazingly done, and the way it interacts with the old water coaster is fun as well.