• Chase W.

    Airtimes Airtimes

    The airtime have so much potential for greatness if they dialed down the trim breaks on the hills. Not sure if it can or will ever be done. I still really liked this ride but only if the restraints are as loose as possible. If there is any hint of being stapled be prepared to sit through 2 minutes of boredom. Also the name "Intimidator" really should have been saved just for the 305 foot version at Kings Dominion. This Charlotte version is great but isn't really living up to the name. I will say this is probably really good for marathoning but is also living under the shadow of a superior B&M within walking distance called Fury325. This is a solid 4 star coaster for me.

  • Chase W.

    Sans intérêt

    This ride makes me feel kind of funny, like when we use to climb the rope in gym class. If this ride were a president, it'd be Baberham Lincoln. This ride really was not EXCELLENT. Schwing! The restraints were like a new pair of underwear, at first they're restrictive but then after a while they become a part of you. But for real, it's time to get the boys over at RMC over here to turn this thing into something that I can bow down to and say, "We're not worthy!"

  • まさちゃん

    First Drop Fun Ejectors Temps mort Layout


  • Gaku N.

    Fun Fluidité Débit


  • まさちゃん

    Temps mort


  • Alexander D.

    Sans intérêt

    What a waste of money. This is a 'mountain coaster' that's not even on a mountain. It's really boring. What makes it even more boring is that it has automatic brakes.

  • Alexander D.

    Théma Fun

    What an amazing family coaster! I really love the theming! It's also completely dark so you have no idea where you're going!

  • Alexander D.

    Fun Vibrations Fiabilité

    Pretty fun coaster, but not much special. Of course it was a rare coaster but that doesn't make me like it more or less.

  • Alexander D.

    Théma Sans intérêt Fiabilité

    The coaster itself makes no sense. You don't even get wet on the splashdown. However, the pre-lift part really surprised me!

  • Alexander D.

    Inversions Intensité Longueur

    What a ride. I absolutely loved this thing. Non stop forces from the end of the lift to the beginning of the brake run. I rode this coaster 10 times on my visit and greyed out in the Immelman every single time. You even get airtime on this thing! It's also butter smooth and I love the theming in the queue! Definitely a very underrated coaster in my opinion.