• Erik C.

    Fun Fluidité Débit

    This was my first Maurer spinning coaster, and I was pleasantly surprised. This was a smooth ride with some fun forces. The spinning was good on my ride, which made it even better. The only downside was capacity, as the line moved very slowly. However, this is overall a great family addition and is unique for this park.

  • Erik C.

    Lap Bar Bonne suprise ! Fun Trop court

    This was honestly a fun ride, even though I was expecting a tame family coaster. First of all, the seating position is awesome. The carts are simply a row of chairs (aligned like a log flume) with a low backrest, only a seat belt, and no sidewalls, so you are very much out in the open. The feeling of rotating over the track is also so unique, and offers a feeling you can't get on any other coaster. These two standout factors make Tranan a very fun ride, and I wish this model existed in more places. If you're in Sweden, try to make your way to the park. They have a water park that is as big as their dry park and that is also very fun. You can easily spend most of the day here, and probably a whole day if you go with kids.

  • Erik C.

    Théma Launch

    It's been over a decade since I rode this so I don't remember much, but I know that flying through a dark room was pretty freaky but fun. Also, f*** those bugs during the transfer track. I absolutely hate that effect, and I always lift my legs when I know it is on a ride. I'll have to ride this again to give a better review.

  • Erik C.


    Its been almost a decade since i rode this last, so I don't remember anything really. I'm rating it as an average wild mouse, but I'll have to come back to this later.

  • Erik C.

    Airtimes Confort Vitesse Vibrations

    I always seem to ride this when it needs re-tracking the most. I have never made it on Apocalypse after it has gotten a recent re-tracking, so that may be affecting my view on it. However, either way I still enjoy this ride. The layout is very fun and the pace is amazing as the train is always flying through each part of the layout. There are several small moments of airtime which are always welcome. I also love the seats as they are very cushioned, easing the rattle of this coaster. I have never been one to complain about wooden coasters rattling (That's what their supposed to do people! If you want something smooth go ride a steel coaster!), but when I rode this last it was a bit out of hand. I am looking forward to re-riding it after its most recent re-tracking, and I see it going up in my rankings possibly then.

  • Erik C.

    Théma Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    Why is Space Mountain ranked number 15 on my tops list above other steel coasters such as Nitro, Full Throttle, Joker @ SFDK, and Xcellerator? This is because I rank rides as a whole experience, and space mountain is the most immersive coaster I have ever ridden. I don't usually talk about stations in my reviews, but this one stands out as the best in the world possibly, perfectly setting the space station theme, building the hype for the ride. I will admit there is sentimental value in my opinion as well, as I grew up going to Disneyland and being awestruck by their immersive coasters, but even when I rode it as recently as HS graduation, it still sent shivers down my spine as the anticipation was built through the lift sections. And once you reach the peak in the room of complete darkness, sprinkled with the lights of interstellar space, you have reached a state of immersion that you can't get even on other Disney coasters. You dive into the twister layout to the tune of the amazing sci-fi soundtrack. Every twist and dip is unexpected and you feel as you are going twice as fast as you actually are. This is a long ride too! You just keep going and going, until you finally reach the brakes satisfied. The reason this gets a star off is because this is a family coaster in the end, and it doesn't provide any crazy forces.

  • Erik C.

    Situation Fun Intensité

    This is one of those coasters where I was truly blown away the first time I rode it. I don't even know where to start... The location of this coaster is perfect. You are on top of the "mountain", and the entire layout is suspended 100 ft in the air. That combined with the flying position gives you the closest feeling on any flying coaster to actually soaring through the air on your own. You fly over trees and walkways, twisting towards the sky as well, not being able to see the track or train that holds you. Flying Dinosaur may have a better layout of elements, but that ride can't give you the true feeling of soaring hundreds of feet in the air like Tatsu can. The positive forces, along with the airtime you get on the Zero-G rolls, are perfect. Then the climax comes in form of the worlds largest pretzel loop. There are insane positive Gs on this, compounded by the laying position which makes it even more great. At the end of every ride, I just wish it went on longer. That's the only negative thing I have to say about this ride. This used to be my #1 in the park (even over Twisted Colossus) when my priorities for what a coaster should have were different. This could be your #1 if you are looking for a specific type of ride, and I wouldn't blame you.

  • Gaku N.

    Intensité Layout Débit

    日本で一番面白いジェットコースターです。 ファーストドロップはもちろん強烈ですが、駅舎付近の折り返した後の部分のレイアウトは秀逸です。

  • Erik C.

    Launch Sans intérêt

    I don't remember much from my ride on Wicked Twister 5 years ago, but that just shows that this ride is easily forgotten in the lineup of Cedar Point. The launches are pretty fun, but that is the only real force you will feel here. It always annoys me that on these kinds of shuttle coasters the train never reaches the top of the structure. I know that's for safety but it kills my OCD side. I don't give out the pointless badge very often, but I think this deserves it. There are other much better launch and inverted coasters in the park, and the quality of thrills that this ride provides doesn't match that of CP. This could easily be relocated to one of Cedar Fair's neglected parks, and that would be be the best outcome for this ride I believe.

  • Charlie Thornton

    Airtimes Théma Confort

    Good ride, great drop, theming and good lap bar.