• Nathan F

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Intensité Trop court

    Xcelerator has the best launch I've ever done. The top hat delivers a great view of Buena Park, and some surprising airtime. Xcelerator, while an extraordinarily intense ride, just doesn't have much layout, as is standard on Intamin Accelerators. Xcelerator is a quick punch of adrenaline that is absolutely worth a shot.

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Sans intérêt Temps mort

    Intimidator is very good. I believe Intimidator delivered better airtime than its neighbor, Fury 325. However, that's really all Intimidator has to offer. All Intimidator does is deliver amazing airtime. It can be a little slow at times. The pacing is not good. However, the airtime is good enough for Intimidator's flaws to be forgiven, as it really is fun from start to finish.

  • Nathan F

    Fun Intensité Longueur Temps mort

    GhostRider is quite impressive. It has plenty of great moments. The standout moment is the final helix, which draws insane laterals. The airtime on it is pretty good too. It's easily the smoothest wooden coaster I've ever ridden. There's a dead spot where the mid-course used to be, and it's mostly just uncomfortable right there, but other than that, the ride is outstanding. Mostly, it's just really fun. It feels like it goes on forever, doing a great job at being a great coaster.

  • Nathan F

    First Drop Vitesse Intensité Harnais Inconfort

    Intimidator 305 is extraordinarily intense, likely the most intense coaster on the planet. You WILL gray out, if not black out, around the first turn. Other than that, it's a series of high-speed turns. It's incredibly smooth, and incredibly fun. The one drawback is there is an unnecessary over-the-shoulder restraint. On occasion this will cause some headbanging around the tight transitions. The restraint is not particularly comfortable to begin with either. Overall, though, incredible ride.

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    Twisted Timbers is an absolute masterpiece. It is statistically lacking, but not experientially lacking. It has extreme ejector airtime through every airtime moment. The inversions aren't spectacular, but they add variety to an already outstanding ride. My one quibble with Twisted Timbers is that I was not a fan of the outward-banked airtime hill. Other than that, it was almost a dream-like ride.

  • Nathan F

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Fury 325 is an amazing ride! It's extraordinarily well-paced, and it feels like a rocket as it runs its course. Smoothness is great. Airtime is good, but clearly not the primary focus the majority of the ride. This may be the most intense B&M out there, and that's how it succeeds. A night ride on Fury 325 is spectacular.

  • Tobias Stadelmann

    Eine mega coole bahn..ruhige fahrt wie von Mack gewohnt. Toll in die landschaft eingesrbeitet,einer meiner lieblings coasters.

  • Tobias Stadelmann

    a super great, fast and quiet ride

  • Paweł P.

    Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Layout

    My number 1!

  • Rags Aki

    Harnais Temps mort
