• Francois S.

    Fun Sans intérêt

    A nice kiddie with a long queue and no Express Pass capacity, too bad.

  • Francois S.

    Bonne suprise ! Harnais Temps mort

    Looks like a scary rollercoaster but it is a smooth as a kiddie. Fun to hear so much screams on it. Operations are really messy and long but still a nice one

  • Francois S.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Confort Débit

    Nice surprise for a Vekoma and super nice location. Smooth and cool. Love it

  • Francois S.

    Confort Chef d'oeuvre Sans intérêt

    Since the dueling part is gone, these two coasters have lost 90% of their interest. Well bye bye then as they are about to be dismantled.

  • Francois S.

    Théma Situation Chef d'oeuvre Baffes Inconfort

    Been on it before and after the reconstruction, beside the theming, no major changes. Still a funny ride with an amazing location but not as confortable as other B&M of that kind.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Situation Vibrations Inconfort Sans intérêt

    Very rattly Mack Bobsleigh. Great location within the woods, but it doesn't make anything out of it!

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Layout Baffes Harnais A raser !

    The layout may be photogenic and may have a nice flow, however the on-ride experience is nasty. Goudurix provides a lot of headbangs and quite some rattle too! Awful coaster, though I think there's even worse out there...

  • Philippe-Minh N.


    Pégase Express isn't extraordinary, but delivers some fun moments. The theming is quite uneven between parts. Station looks really cool and contains a lot of clever/funny jokes. Some other parts of the ride look empty however, and the effects during the 'shed' aren't the most effective. Good coaster for the family, but some coasterfans may argue Vekoma SFC or Intamin Mine Train deliver better rides for everyone.

  • xander blumel

    Airtimes Théma Intensité Temps mort

    I can't even find words to describe how fantastic this ride is. I'll put it simply, it's been years and years since I've walked off a ride feeling quite like that. The launch, the airtime, the transitions, the intensity, the near-misses, everything about this ride is flawless. It's the most incredible experience I've had the pleasure of doing in my life. But, I gotta get in depth somewhere. I'll just start off by saying that the restraints on these newer Intamin rides are fantastic! Some of the most comfortable restraints and seats I've ever sat in personally, but I don't think they're quite as good as MACK Mega trains or GCI Millennium Flyers. But the lapbar is amazing and even if you pin yourself to the seat (the ride-ops do that, unfortunately), it feels really comfy, and it does not at all get in the way of the ride, like some restraints do when tightened too much. And it being a lapbar (Unlike other Intamin Blitz coasters) means that you get total freedom on the layout, specifically the airtime. Speaking of airtime, this is some of the most incredible airtime I've ever experienced. I remember somewhere I read that the highest negative G-force you get on the ride is 0.75Gs, which is BS. After the amazing first hill, you enter a really intense turn and then one of the most amazing "Intamin twists" ever, and once again, the lapbar makes it better than say, Maverick's, to name one. You pass really close to some buildings and dive over the launch track. It kinda meanders before the second launch, which is kinda boring for a bit, and then you hit the launch. When you do, it just friggin takes off at incredible speed, it's a bit unfortunate that it vibrates because the second launch is really good, and quite intense. Not as good as the first, though. After that, you the highest point of the ride, with a fantastic view over all of Klugheim. During the ride, you race through this really intense overbanked turn (After the highest point) which is, in my opinion, one of the most fantastic moments of the ride and one of my favorite overbanks. I find it to be quite similar to Maverick's Stengel dive, actually. The ride's a blur from start to finish, and I can almost guarantee that you will be light-headed for at least a second after riding. But it's absolutely fantastic, and surprisingly intense. To me it seems as though it was slower in the videos, but videos do not do this ride justice, at all, it's much more intense than it looks. (as everyone had previously said). The lapbars , IMO, make this ride a lot better than it would be otherwise, and allows for some really fantastic laterals without making the ride uncomfortable. (PS, sit on the right side. You get a lot more near misses, and you also get wet on the waterfall after the second launch. It's amazing). BY THE WAY, you won't get bored in the queue, it's surrounded by track and trains run every 30 seconds or so, so that's an awesome plus. And since trains run so often, the queue is in a constant state of motion as well.

  • xander blumel

    Airtimes Confort Fluidité Débit

    Okay first off, and most importantly, do not be deceived by the storage shed for this ride. It's only got one train, always has and always will. I didn't find that out until after I got to the park, but luckily the ride had no wait. Now, let me start again by saying this ride is amazing, I mean truly truly amazing. A lot of people had complaints about the shaping of these newer Vekoma rides, but I don't really mind that since the ride itself is amazing and it flows really well. Each element transforms into the other perfectly with ease, and I love that about this ride. It's also surprisingly intense, with an estimated G-force of at least 4.5, then again I'm not really sure. The ride is full of positive Gs, and intensity is kinda my thing so I really loved it. Did I mention the drop? No? Well I'm gonna now, because that is without a doubt my favorite drop, stealing that title from I305. The drop just comes out of nowhere, and in the back row you get sustained ejector for like a solid second and a half, which is just amazing. I'm not really a fan of inversions, I mean I could live without them, but Lech has some fantastic inversions. The first kinda-like-a-wraparound-cork after the drop is really great, and intense from start to finish. The roll through the station is great as well, and taken at incredibly high speed. But my favorite was probably the last corkscrew, which just flows perfectly into the turn following and has no lateral jerks at all. The ride also has some extraordinary airtime. Every airtime moment (with the exception of the outwardly banked hill) is ejector, right 'till the very end, even the hop into the brakes. And surprisingly, the vests don't absolutely butcher the airtime, which is always good. Speaking of the vests, the train is actually incredibly comfy. I don't quite like it better than Taron's but I found it to be really nice. Alike Taron, the ride-ops push the restraint as far down as they can, but also alike Taron, it's still really comfy, and doesn't get in the way of the ride at all. It's also really smooth, and I'd never expect that from a Vekoma. It rides so well, but that may be because it's brand new, I don't know. Finally, it has some pretty neat theming from which you get a good few headchoppers, one of which is of course the roll through the station.