Tous les avis
Launch Vitesse Fun Débit
The restraints are funky but they make it feel like riding a motorcycle kind of. Just another ride at my home park. Somehow has 30-40 minute waits for this thing.
Bonne suprise ! Hangtime Débit Harnais Inconfort
Hated on too much by enthusiasts. This thing is pretty terrifying ngl ? But it's a pretty ok ride. Definitely not a good ride.
Airtimes Situation Fun Vibrations
It's a pretty fun coaster! I rode with a stranger who was gp and he disliked it so that kinda rubbed off on me, but looking back, it was actually a fun ride. Didn't get to ride Wilde Beast which sucks. Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the credits at Wonderland soon.
Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors Vibrations Trop court
This coaster has some absolutely insane airtime and gets a huge thumbs up from me, but if it were smoother this could be an even more awesome ride than it already is, i look past the roughness but i get why some may not be able to
Situation Fun Débit Déception !
Pretty disappointing. Iron Dragon is better. Still a fun ride though.
Situation Fun Temps mort
Really fun suspended coaster. I enjoy it more than Vortex at Canada's Wonderland.
Confort Launch Intensité
Amazing ride! Front Row is easily the best row and make sure to get on Dragster if you go to Cedar Point!
First Drop Inconfort Temps mort Layout
Vest Restraints and brakes make Valravn just fine when it should be a really fun coaster.
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Longueur
Steel Vengeance is my favorite coaster I’ve ever ridden and one of the best ever built.
I mean it isn’t the worst kiddie or family coaster around and the rock work is nice, but pretty meh.