• Philippe-Minh N.

    Lap Bar Fluidité Layout Théma

    Fun vintage Schwarzkopf coaster with some nice little pops of airtime while seating at the back! I hope Hansa refurbish the theming soon because this oldie still has potential :)

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Vibrations

    So weird, yet exhilarating! Kärnan is really a one of a kind ride, very intense and relentless. It has several good pops of airtime, crazy snappy turns and an excellent drop to top it off!

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Théma Bonne suprise !

    Cool kiddie coaster with some surprising laterals! My favourite junior ride yet :)

  • Pidge L.

    Airtimes Théma Vitesse Trop court

    Way too short, but an AMAZING ride none the less! The shed was Slightly disappointing when I first rode it, but the more I think about it the more I like it, and I've actually come to love it! It's really fab!

  • Francois S.

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Débit

    I have been twice on it in 30 minutes, thanks to the Single rider line and the Express pass. I loved it. Even if it is very intense on two inversions, it makes it a real nice coaster with a lot of fun. Some vibrations sometimes but thanks to the position, they do not hurt. Nice machine.

  • CanadaCoasterFan Channel

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Extraordinary coaster, number 1 steel in the United States.

  • Jake Williams

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Débit

    What a beast. El Loco is criminally underrated in every regard. To start, it’s super compact with a ton of cool little elements. So hop into the tiny 4 RIDER PER TRAIN. Ok, I’m gonna stop again and here and mention that this wasn’t a problem for me. I went on a deserted December day so there was little to no people, and walked on each time. I’m sure people get frustrated though during crowded times though. Go up the cable lift (big plus) and go down the absolute insanity of a first drop. You go FLYING out of your seat. So yes, lapbars are a big plus. Lose all of that speed and go to a brake run followed by a shaky inversion. It’s pretty rattly no matter where you sit so that kinda sucks. It gets better though. Do a funky outward bank and then go inward for the twist n dive! Unlike a certain red Coaster down the street, this is smooth as glass and fun. Then it ends. Yes, it’s short, but it’s good and I bet you’ll hop on again because there’s nobody at the dome.

  • Jake Williams

    Airtimes Fun Vibrations Inconfort

    Desperado is one strange cookie. I feel like the casino must've been feeling a little risky while designing it. Did these moves work out? Eh, kinda. After waiting in your seat for 20 minutes because operations are trash, crest the lifthill and head into the first drop. Lean forward. That's all I have to say. I rode it the first time, back row, bad idea. Don't ride back until they pay YOU to ride it. The back doesn't give any extra airtime, it's just as good in the front and it's a tad smoother. Leaning forward will save you alot of pain. This next turn will absolutely rattle the bones in your body, it's really strong. Then the next part of the ride is my personal favorite. Three triagnular shaped airtime hills. Unlike other hills though, these have more bite. They're more sharp and give a borderline floater-ejector combo. The second half though is incredibly weak. Lots of slow, meandering turns. The only notable part is a decent helix in the fake mountain. Then it ends. Overall, give it a chance when you stop by, just don't excpect an elite hyper like Shambhala or STR.

  • Francois S.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Confort

    I was not expecting a lot from it as it looks like a small ride from the outside. But it is fun and with my lap bar kind of far from me, i have been flying a lot. Rode it at night, and the lighting of the train plus the on-board music add a unique side on this coaster. Really nice.

  • Philippe-Minh N.


    The 4D Freefly concept doesn't really do much to me. The spinning isn't necessarily uncomfortable, but it's not very exciting either :(