• Nicky Borrill

    Airtimes Launch Intensité

    Amazing coaster with an incredible launch, great airtime moments, pops of intensity, and rapid transitions. Still my favourite EU coaster having ridden Helix, Shambhala and many other top rated EU coasters.

  • Nicky Borrill

    Airtimes Confort Layout Launch Temps mort

    Great ride though for me did not live up to the hype. The launch is not really an element if that makes sense, it’s more about getting you up to speed, slowly, really lacks force. But there are some great moments of both positive and negative g.

  • Nicky Borrill

    Situation Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Trop court

    Still amongst the best B&M inverts!

  • אדר פופקו

    Lap Bar Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    this ride have to be one of the worst spinnig mouses,it wasnt great at all.well,reverchon is a much better at making those spinning coasters than zamperla,and well,they are much more intense.one thing i liked about Tyfonen is the smoothness in the ride,the ride was smooth and slides well with the track and i love the lap bars too,they are much comfortable than the reverchon ones and there is no akward "all toghther on those"instead you are one sperated on those bars which helps alot with to reduce the akwardness.but man,this ride is so dead.it was so slow and boring and beraly spinned to,a common thing with those zamperla ones.the ride is also have this reptetive layout,and im so used to this layout at this point that i was so bored with it.yes this ride is boring and im beliving they might could do some changes to make than ride much more thrill.

  • Halish R.

    First Drop Inversions Longueur Baffes

    Ride it towards the back - It's a lot smoother!

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Vitesse Layout

    this coaster is the main one of the main attractions at Freizeitpark Familienland,and this is one of many esc build by zierer,the ride delivers here a pretty decent ride and its the perfect fit for this little park. first is the location of the ride,the ride just swoops over the park which allowes for smoe freat views over the surrounding of the park,and even allows for some cool headchoppers too,like at the end section.the ride layout is designd greatly for that and the coaster actually contains a beat of theming,espically on the supports.as said before,the layout,not only its a customized layout,meaninig that the coaster is original,but the coaster also have some cool bits in those turns and some cool airtimes miments too,and at some points even goes through its own structure,allowing for some neat headchoppers,all of this was done with a goos pace and speed which was faster than i thpught,espicially in the front.the ride is also smooth,maybe some small rattles can be heard,but overall the ride is smooth and slides well with the track.overall,this is a good coaster and its pretty underrated too,im hoping some entusiaste maybe go visit this coaster and enjoy this little park too.

  • אדר פופקו

    Intensité Inconfort Temps mort Layout

    this ride,is the defenition of how you make a bad coaster,yes,pinfary got a bad repiotation of creating some rough coasters,altough some of them were pretty smooth like suer 8er bahn,this ride is just mattched perfectly with the repiotation pinfary got.and im so glad they removed it(yes,here they its operating,but when i checked,they got ride of this ride on 21.10.18)the ride was rough as hell,headbanged me head and destroyed my neck so badly,that i wanted the ride to end from start to finish.the rides layout is so reptetive on this point that i just got bored from it,and the ride also had many deadspots that its just help for how boring it was.the ride might have some intense parts,but still,they were so rough and onenjoyable that i just couldnt stand it,overall,this ride was crap,and im so glad they got rid of it.

  • אדר פופקו

    Intensité Layout Hangtime Inconfort

    this is one of those inverts i was disappointed with and man,the ride is not that bad,but i expected atleast more than what it had to offer,and some things,it done right,but well,this is one of those protoypes that gone pretty wrong and i think this is the reason why there is only one that ever got to be made.the layout,its pretty unique for an invert,its kinda like a much smaller version of an slc,maybe beacue some elements like the twisty first drop,are always reminds me of those types.needles to say it is much smoother but stil,this layout was pretty cool.the hangtime on those 3 inversions that you get was pretty cool and maybe this ride have some dead spots,but i felt they were pretty small and i think i should not talk about those.the ride was also,suprisngly pretty intense with some points that were pretty cool and give some good forces.unfortunally tho,the ride is not smooth,you can get some really tough headbanging and the ostrs are not helping since they are so hard and they feel like those one on the old slcs.yes,the ride is fun and all,but the smoothness doenst help to this ride and really,its a shame,the ride had potential,but it got ruined by the roughness and the uncomfortable seats on the ride,but hopefully,if we will get to see a coaster from them in the future,they will improve on those models.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Fluidité Layout Intensité

    this ride is pretty much,a france knock off of the SBF spinners,and for that was a much more relaxing than those SBF once.the ride,and shoutout for that,is much more smoother than the other 2 coasters at the park,a thing that i really like since those two were rough and not reridable,this one is smooth and reridabel,and i actually got 3 rides on that,more than nitro and furio which i had 2. since it was smooth,another thing this coaster exited in its the theming,for a park like this,they really themed it well and gave it much more character than nitro,altough,the layout wasnt that good and yes,its not that intnense,its a kiddy coaster and one families sure to enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Vitesse Layout Inconfort

    this ride has same problam that nitro has,the ride layout is pretty cool but the ride itself was pretty rough,but roughness is a pretty common thing that i discovered on those soquet coasters,unlike preston & barbieri which usually have those pretty smooth coasters.the ride is a mixed bag,i can tell beacuse i liked the design.those soquet coasters alaways have a pretty cool and good designed layouts,this one is no exepctio and just shows how good those layouts are.the turns were good and intense,allowing some good Gs go into you,and some fun drops that manage to give the ride an intense exprience.altough the theming isnt top notch,the location is fun in this ride,my favorite part is this lake part,when the train goes over a little lake and this give you a good sensetion of how close you are to fall to the water.and the ride kept its good pace through the layout,i didnt felt any moment of the ride slowing down during the ride.however,the one thing that brings the ride down its that,well,its a rough coaster,hell,some headbangin were around those turns which really doenst helps the ride a whole lot in term of rerideability,a thing that i ahetd to witness since the ride had potential,it could have been a much better coaster if it wasnt as rough as t is,overall its fine,if they will smooth itit will be better but as it satnd out today,its a pretty fine coaster.