• Jack Jack J.

    Inversions Fluidité Layout

    Banshee is my favorite B&M Invert just narrowly beating Montu. The layout is definitely the best of all the inverts and I found it to be incredibly smooth. I got 4 rides on this and didn’t feel a rattle once. I didn’t think it was overly intense like the earlier B&M inverts which is why I can understand why some don’t like it that much but to me this is the best for its superb layout, smooth ride experience, and semi intensity.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Théma Fun Fluidité

    All the Disney Mine trains are great. Seven Dwarves Mine Train is the newest of them all. The new Vekoma makes the ride the smoothest coaster I have ever ridden. It is a fun ride with fantastic on ride and in queue theming. It’s not that intense since it is a family coaster but some of the transitions throughout the layout can be real fun and whipped with the swingin trains. I love the landscaping around the whole area and the ride is one of the best mine trains I’ve done.

  • Jack Jack J.

    First Drop Intensité Layout Vibrations

    A great GCI. Currently my second favorite. Some very intense lateral G-Forces and a great layout. The banked first drop is a lot of fun and the station fly through is great. The ride is a little rough but the layout and g forces completely make up for it.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Situation Intensité Fluidité Trop court

    My favorite Arrow. Very intense with fantastic Inversions and a great drop. The location is great with the mountains around. It’s a shame it’s just a little short.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Théma Launch Fun

    My two favorite steel family coasters are this and Cobras Curse. They both execute what a family coaster is supposed to do perfectly. A well themed, not too intense ride with some fun moments that everyone can enjoy. On this ones it’s the two launches and a few moments with some decent airtime. A great family coaster.

  • Matt K

    Inversions Situation Baffes Inconfort

    Corkscrew is, in my opinion, the second roughest ride in the park behind Rougarou in terms of head banging. The restraints are okay, and the vertical loop has some nice force, but it gets a little too bumpy and jerky approaching the corkscrews. It’s bearable, but I wouldn’t go on again.

  • Matt K

    Harnais Inversions Airtimes

    OOF. I really wanted to like it, but it just wasn't as good as Hydrus, a similar ride located at Casino Pier. The restraints are atrocious, as the ride operators literally stand on the gates and jump on them. They fall on your thighs, instead of your waist, so any sort of airtime or hang time is painful. Additionally, there is a pointless over the shoulder seat belt, which does absolutely nothing. The drop is painful, the track is rough, and the inversions provide unpleasant hang time. To end the ride with a bang, there are two aggressive ejector hills, followed by a corkscrew, followed by another ejector hill. Thunderbolt is the second worst ride in the park after Soarin' Eagle, though not by much.

  • Matt K

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Confort

    The Coney Island Cyclone is surprisingly one of my favorite wood coasters! To start, the seats are extremely comfortable, feeling like a couch, and the lap bars leave a lot of room for some quality airtime. The first drop is the best element in the ride, especially near the back of the train. Despite being 92 years old, it is amazingly smooth, and I only started to get a bit of a headache after 9 rides. Marathoning is not and issue here. There are extreme lateral g's on the shallowly banked turns, and there is some great floater/ejector airtime on some of the hills. While not as intense as other woodies like El Toro, it provides an excellent ride, especially for its age. DO NOT sit on a wheel seat, as it will be a rougher experience, excluding the front row. The best rides can be found near the back.

  • Matt K

    Harnais Inconfort A raser !

    Soarin' Eagle cracks my top 10 worst coasters with ease. To start, the restraints are absolutely bizarre, because you have walk up a sort of ladder to get in while the car is moving. You then lean against the seat while standing up, and the ride operators slam a cage door behind you. The real fun begins as the train jolts to a start on the spiral lift and goes off the first drop. Everything is a blur from my experience on Soarin' Eagle, even though I just rode it today, but I remember each and every turn feeling like a plane crash. To survive, try to get a center seat, and push yourself in using the handlebars, as the restraints do not feel very safe. Good luck!

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    what a weird wild mouse this is,and by far,one of the weirdest coasters ive ever seen.the ride was build by the american manufacter,hopkins.and not only thats is their only coaster which never been build in the us,but also their last coaster ever built before their crashdown.so yea,this was their own attempt to recreate and renovate in their own eyes a wild mouse,but as im assuming,they didnt wanted to go with the old and boring layout,and that become more like a family thriller which can be great for kids.but is this ride,which built in 1996 and is the last coaster at the park,really is the best.no!it can be good for kids but for us,adults and thrillseekers,not really.the pacing here is slow,really slow.i belive beacuse it was ment to kids they give it its slow pacing and shitty layout.seriously,not only that its slow pacing and with low speed,the layout is so bizzare.it so wavey and with some random ass turns which sadly,the dips doesnt even give air.and it is slow,so beacuse of that the turns arent thrilling.but the thing that didnt made me give it a solow rating,might be the cool views,you get some good views during the course of the mountain and while not the best,its cool to look at.and another thing is that unlike most hopkins,it is smooth,i didnt felt headbanging and honestly i liked how good it was.but like i said before,its a kiddy coqaster,so i wont see anyone rushing to get it,i did and it was decent,with a smooth ride and some cool views,it was a pretty decent kiddy.