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Airtimes Théma Fun Temps mort
You can get some good airtime on the drops. Fun coaster but it's a pretty standard steel wild mouse. Decently well themed.
Vitesse Fun Layout
I find this better than spinball whizzer. The drop and the turnaround element on this are so good. The rest of the ride continues to deliver right until the final brakes.
Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité
My ride on this was absolutely incredible. I have ridden way too many spinning wild mouses in my time, but this is definitely the best one. It ran with no trims and was absolutely relentless with four of us in the car.
Inconfort Sans intérêt Temps mort
The worst "coaster" I have ridden to date. The entire ride is an uncomfortable pointless dead spot. I didn't even bother with the other two credits, and that's rare for me.
Bonne suprise ! Harnais Ejectors
I don't think a ride has ever surprised me as much as Revolution. You get absolutely yeeted out of your seat on the drops, and the restraint is so loose. The loop backwards is a strange but enjoyable experience.
Confort Fun Airtimes
I don't think I've ever sat in a more comfortable coaster seat, it's like a living room couch. This ride would be absolutely brilliant if it just ran a tiny bit faster. It was so close to having airtime I could almost touch it, but it failed to properly deliver. Worth riding nonetheless.
Layout Baffes Harnais Inconfort
I couldn't bring myself to enjoy this ride. A great layout ruined by build quality.
Débit Layout Longueur Déception ! Temps mort Intensité
Icon is a brilliantly designed coaster that is very re-rideable. It lasts a decent while and some of the elements are incredibly well shaped, including the top hat, roll, and especially the immelman. I don't find the first launch as bad as some people say it is. I can't rate Icon up there with the best coasters in the world because it lacks in what I like to call '"Oh S***" moments' (Moments that make me go "Oh S***"). It's a very fun ride, but I don't find it particularly thrilling at all. It's certainly the best coaster I've ridden that has a lack of thrilling elements to it. Mack's quality is on show here, and frankly I think they did an excellent job designing such a quality ride on such a restrictive job site.
Airtimes Fun Longueur Inconfort
The first time I rode this I could not believe the airtime. The ride also goes on for ages and it never gives up until the brakes. I think the right side just beats the left side. Avoid the wheel seats if you want a more comfortable ride.
Airtimes Fun Longueur Inconfort
The first time I rode this I could not believe the airtime. The ride also goes on for ages and it never gives up until the brakes. I think the right side just beats the left side. Avoid the wheel seats if you want a more comfortable ride.