• אדר פופקו

    Théma Vitesse Layout Inconfort

    festyland is a pretty underrated park,yes,its not alton towers or anything but the park is just nice.this coaster is a really cool addition to this small ,local park and a cool soquet coaster too.the rides theme is cool,it themed to castle and honestly its fairly done for a little park like this,the castle was well done and gives the ride its own character and maybe story.the theme is cool but so does the layout,the layout using some of the ground to its advantage,allowing to a much unique ride exprience,and its quiet intense too,some airtimes and some turns really do make this ride.and it was all done in a perfectly good pace too,this ride unfortunally,isnt the smoothest,which is a common thing to the soquet coasters,altough this is a cool coaster,with cool theme,great design,and cool pace,the smoothenss needs some work,and they can create some smooth once as well,but overall,this is a cool coaster and im highly reccomanding it.

  • אדר פופקו

    First Drop Théma Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    this ride honestly,is not that bad of a pinfary,a company that,lets say,didnt got the best repoitation around and known for building some rough coasters,i had a bad exprience in one of those in superland,my home park,but still,that wasnt to bad.it was fairly smooth ill give it that,for a pinfary,it got some rattle but thats all,the ride slides well with the track and thats cool for me.the theme is not good,but a fairly decent theme for this low budget park,i love the cute space theme since it really gives the ride some what of a character,which is fine for me.the layout is reptetive sure,it a zyklon and ive ridden many of those,i do likes some moments here and ther,my favorite must be the first drop,it was fun and gave some good airtime,its also whips you if you are in back seat,the ride,tho,have its dead spots, acommon thing fot those zyklons,overall,the ride is fun,and you should ride it if you are close to kingoland.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Vitesse Layout Vibrations Temps mort

    the ride is actually a pretty cool soquet,yes it isnt the smoothest and i do felt some rattle will going on this,but for what it done,it was cool and doe its best to give me some thrills and im appreciated this coaster.the ride layout is pretty fun,the soquets layouts are so good sometimes and this one gave a pretty solid air sometimes and have thos great fun turns that soquet are known for.the rides theming,while not being ground breaking,still much better for this small little park in nowhere,i loved the pirate theme of the station the most,that even have those pirates figurins.the ride pace s also cool,it kept a good pace throught and didnt slowed down once,a thing that is always good in my book.altough i thought some spots will give much more thrilling,and it have the commong rattle for soquet,this isnt a bad ride at all,and im highly reccomand it for the park locals.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Fluidité Layout Théma Temps mort

    well,as a family coaster,it was much more fun than other family coasters out there,honestly the ride is like a much better version of a wacky worm,beacuse the layout is pretty similiar to a wacky worm and it is a pretty slow at some point,like some wacky worms.needles to say,the ride done some things good and i saw some things that could use improvement,so i will get to my ride exprience.first of all,the ride is suprisingly smooth for a soquet coaster,yes,those coasters arent the smoothest in the world,but this one was atleast smoother than all the others and just shows that even a rough company,can create a smooth ride. it slided well with the track and it was a pleasnet suprise.the rides location is green and polished,and with the car shaped like trains,really helps you feel you are driving in a forest,the ride layout is cool too,its like a wacky worm but with much more things going,like an airtime hill whoch gave some air,and a nice helix around a tree.the ride is good but i feel like some dead spots are here,its start slow but slowly gets more speed as it progresses,i thought it was cute but i felt like the ride could have some other moments of speed,soquet coasters have a good pace and speed and kept it throught.the ride could use theming too,its just looks balnd and i saw that the park is capable of theme in some places,and i would love to see them theme the ride a little bit more,to give it some character.overall,its a perfectly fie family coaster,not bad,but not great and kids might enjoy it.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    as a zamperla wild mouse,this actually was alot better than expected,since it was with a much better things than those other wild mouses by zamperla.the ride is smooth,the first thing i love about those zamperla wild mouses is that they are pretty smooth and comfortable to ride,this ride is no diffrent,it was smooth ans slided well with the track and had those good zamperla lap bars too.the ride,suprisngly,also offered to me a good amount of airtime during some parts,abd much more than expected than other of those zamperla wild mouses.unfortunally,the layout is so cloned and like other zamperla twist coasters,this ride also had the share fair amount of dead spots,espcially the turns.but overall,this ride is fine,with a smooth and fun ride to all ages and some good pops of air too.

  • אדר פופקו

    Lap Bar Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    this ride have to be one of the worst spinnig mouses,it wasnt great at all.well,reverchon is a much better at making those spinning coasters than zamperla,and well,they are much more intense.one thing i liked about Tyfonen is the smoothness in the ride,the ride was smooth and slides well with the track and i love the lap bars too,they are much comfortable than the reverchon ones and there is no akward "all toghther on those"instead you are one sperated on those bars which helps alot with to reduce the akwardness.but man,this ride is so dead.it was so slow and boring and beraly spinned to,a common thing with those zamperla ones.the ride is also have this reptetive layout,and im so used to this layout at this point that i was so bored with it.yes this ride is boring and im beliving they might could do some changes to make than ride much more thrill.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Vitesse Layout

    this coaster is the main one of the main attractions at Freizeitpark Familienland,and this is one of many esc build by zierer,the ride delivers here a pretty decent ride and its the perfect fit for this little park. first is the location of the ride,the ride just swoops over the park which allowes for smoe freat views over the surrounding of the park,and even allows for some cool headchoppers too,like at the end section.the ride layout is designd greatly for that and the coaster actually contains a beat of theming,espically on the supports.as said before,the layout,not only its a customized layout,meaninig that the coaster is original,but the coaster also have some cool bits in those turns and some cool airtimes miments too,and at some points even goes through its own structure,allowing for some neat headchoppers,all of this was done with a goos pace and speed which was faster than i thpught,espicially in the front.the ride is also smooth,maybe some small rattles can be heard,but overall the ride is smooth and slides well with the track.overall,this is a good coaster and its pretty underrated too,im hoping some entusiaste maybe go visit this coaster and enjoy this little park too.

  • אדר פופקו

    Intensité Inconfort Temps mort Layout

    this ride,is the defenition of how you make a bad coaster,yes,pinfary got a bad repiotation of creating some rough coasters,altough some of them were pretty smooth like suer 8er bahn,this ride is just mattched perfectly with the repiotation pinfary got.and im so glad they removed it(yes,here they its operating,but when i checked,they got ride of this ride on 21.10.18)the ride was rough as hell,headbanged me head and destroyed my neck so badly,that i wanted the ride to end from start to finish.the rides layout is so reptetive on this point that i just got bored from it,and the ride also had many deadspots that its just help for how boring it was.the ride might have some intense parts,but still,they were so rough and onenjoyable that i just couldnt stand it,overall,this ride was crap,and im so glad they got rid of it.

  • אדר פופקו

    Intensité Layout Hangtime Inconfort

    this is one of those inverts i was disappointed with and man,the ride is not that bad,but i expected atleast more than what it had to offer,and some things,it done right,but well,this is one of those protoypes that gone pretty wrong and i think this is the reason why there is only one that ever got to be made.the layout,its pretty unique for an invert,its kinda like a much smaller version of an slc,maybe beacue some elements like the twisty first drop,are always reminds me of those types.needles to say it is much smoother but stil,this layout was pretty cool.the hangtime on those 3 inversions that you get was pretty cool and maybe this ride have some dead spots,but i felt they were pretty small and i think i should not talk about those.the ride was also,suprisngly pretty intense with some points that were pretty cool and give some good forces.unfortunally tho,the ride is not smooth,you can get some really tough headbanging and the ostrs are not helping since they are so hard and they feel like those one on the old slcs.yes,the ride is fun and all,but the smoothness doenst help to this ride and really,its a shame,the ride had potential,but it got ruined by the roughness and the uncomfortable seats on the ride,but hopefully,if we will get to see a coaster from them in the future,they will improve on those models.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Fluidité Layout Intensité

    this ride is pretty much,a france knock off of the SBF spinners,and for that was a much more relaxing than those SBF once.the ride,and shoutout for that,is much more smoother than the other 2 coasters at the park,a thing that i really like since those two were rough and not reridable,this one is smooth and reridabel,and i actually got 3 rides on that,more than nitro and furio which i had 2. since it was smooth,another thing this coaster exited in its the theming,for a park like this,they really themed it well and gave it much more character than nitro,altough,the layout wasnt that good and yes,its not that intnense,its a kiddy coaster and one families sure to enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Vitesse Layout Inconfort

    this ride has same problam that nitro has,the ride layout is pretty cool but the ride itself was pretty rough,but roughness is a pretty common thing that i discovered on those soquet coasters,unlike preston & barbieri which usually have those pretty smooth coasters.the ride is a mixed bag,i can tell beacuse i liked the design.those soquet coasters alaways have a pretty cool and good designed layouts,this one is no exepctio and just shows how good those layouts are.the turns were good and intense,allowing some good Gs go into you,and some fun drops that manage to give the ride an intense exprience.altough the theming isnt top notch,the location is fun in this ride,my favorite part is this lake part,when the train goes over a little lake and this give you a good sensetion of how close you are to fall to the water.and the ride kept its good pace through the layout,i didnt felt any moment of the ride slowing down during the ride.however,the one thing that brings the ride down its that,well,its a rough coaster,hell,some headbangin were around those turns which really doenst helps the ride a whole lot in term of rerideability,a thing that i ahetd to witness since the ride had potential,it could have been a much better coaster if it wasnt as rough as t is,overall its fine,if they will smooth itit will be better but as it satnd out today,its a pretty fine coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Théma Layout Inconfort

    this ride had some potential,not gonna lie,it isnt the worst coaster out there,but still,its far from being perfect,the ride was pretty rough to ride and some headbanging were on the turns,a thing that really is a shame since it didnt was disgined poorly.the layout,that layout is one of the best ive ever saw for little coaster like that,some parts were cool like those little hills which gave some impressive airtime actually,it was more air than i expected it to be. some turns were here too and they were small but intense and provide some good fun for families.altough yes,you might argue with me about some dead spots with the brake runs,but they were understandable at least,i relized why they put those there and they didnt took much from the ride exprience.the theming here was cool too,its not much but still an honest amount of theme for this little park which seems on a low budget,espcialy the station.and the dual espect on this ride is good,actually those brake runs are pretty fun and give this dual exprience a much more thrill.unfortunally,the ride is rough with some headbanging and some rattle,this rattle ruined the ride for me and made it least reridable for me,altough yes the roughness could be fun to some,i just loves a coaster which is smooth,but moreover this is a cool coaster,i just wsh they will smooth the ride in the future.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Situation Layout Vibrations

    man,this ride,as the only wooden ive ridden in china,is supreme ailte and all of the coaster community must know about this amazing peace of wood.gravity group really knows how to build some alite coaster,hell,for me theyre even better than gci,sins unlike gci,they focusing on something new,like they build a shuttle wooden coaster.this one is just amazing and the amount of rearides ive got on this,just tells you how good the ride is.the ride have a shit ton of airtime packed into this big and quarky layout,the layout akso including so manny turns and for god sake,and inversion in the form of a crockscrew,the whole layout was great without even one dead spot and kept a really good pace throught the ride,the location is also cool,there is some theming but the whole location is great with the grassy area and some views of the swamp,overall,the ride is top notch,altough one downside,i fel some rattle at some arts,but that pretty common from gravity group,but still,every one in china must try out this ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    First Drop Fun Temps mort Layout

    this kiddy coaster isnt really the best you gonna get,well i surley think so since ive read manny roller skaters by vekoma,the theming is,ok for the most park,sure its not europa park,but i think its fairly nice for a family coaster.and credit where credits do,the first drop is quit good for a junior coaster,its this twisty like drop and its just a nice drop. unfortunelly tho,the layout is pretty reptetive since it appeared over 27 worldwide,and yes,there is not that much exitment aside maybe from the first drop but i was expecting that since its a junior coaster and those does not ment to give intense ride expeirince,still tho its a fun junior coaster and kids can always enjoy it

  • אדר פופקו

    Fun Fluidité Layout Temps mort Intensité

    this ride,honestly,was better than expected and im highly reccomand it for kids first coaster.those speedy coaster are much like an improved version of your tradtional wacky worms,a coaster which i dont like that much but that coaster made these kayout much better and much thrilling than your tradtional wacky worm with some more intense elemants was thrown in.the ride alyout is cool and have much more drops than a wacky worm and packed with airtime.the ride is also smooth and slides well with the track whih a smooth coaster is always good in my book.unfortunally it isnt that intense and like a wacky worm have some really dead spots,the ride is still a trat to ride and its a pleasnet suprise to go and get a ride with your kids.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Fluidité Layout Temps mort

    this ride is a perfect first prototype for the mega coaster by mack,honestly,this was much better than alpina blitz,hey i didnt hated it,but that overall was a much better exprience.macke megas are like intaming mega-lits,trying to create much airtime as possible ith those short layouts ad small foot prints,this is a great prototype for that for many reasons,first of all,the ride is that smooth as mack known to build,it slided well with the track and the lap bars were so comfortable,the layout is fun,providing uch better airtime than alpina and gives an improved,longer layout with and inversion packed in,the inversion, an in line twist,is smooth and keeps the good pace of this ride,the ride had maybe a ltiile rattle and could give a much better airtime,what is done for me,was satisfying enough and this is an overall a good ride,which hiding in the sahdows of alpina biltz,this was much better than that coaster but thats just my opinion.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Intensité Layout

    Eldorado is a pretty fine coaster and a cool prototype by the american company,s&s.this is pretty much the mine-coaster for the park and its much,much better than your tradtional mine train.first of all the theming,like most mine mine trains,is looking great,the rockwork is just amazing on this coaster and the park really done a great job with the cue and ride theming,which also hleps with the locomotive shaped trains and gives a cool character to this ride.the layout is top notch and its quiet them intense and forceful for a mine train,mostly mine trains arent that forceful,but this one just took the cake for me with the pretty forceful turns,some of them are even indoor and some pretty cool drops and elements,the ride is just aweasome from start to finish and didnt gave any dead spots,the ride is also pretty smooth as a prototype goes and kept an aweasome pacing for this coaster,which really helped to glide with the great theme,overall,this is a cool mine train and i want to see more mine trains by s&s.

  • אדר פופקו

    Vitesse Intensité Layout Inconfort

    this coaster is by far the best coaster in the whole park,as it came from alton towers,here it still holds up,still without it being indoors but outdoors instead.the rides layout is super thrilling and compact at the same time,the turns were so thrilling on this ride and the airtime at some points was cool and good to expreince.the pace of the ride was perfect the whole ride and the compactnes even created some head choppers which made it much more thrilling.the ride is also a good sign of the history of alton towers and its a treat to go here if you are a fan of alton,and the low to the ground turns on this coaster,however the ride isnt that comfortable and always you might bang your head on those turns,but aside for that,its still a nice coaster and a great addition to the park.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Vitesse Layout Inconfort

    this ride is a pretty mixed bag for me,it could be better if it wasnt for it discomfort ride,which is a shame since soquet really did tried to create somthing appealing with this to the audience.first of the things i liked about the ride is mostly the layout,this layout was pretty unique and fun to ride,providing so many good airtime moments,some of them,for some reason were pretty strong.the ride also helped out with the amazing turns it gor,which were forceful and sometimes ow to the ground,and kept a good speed and pact throught.the theming for this ride,is pretty cool and so fun to see throught the ride,i feel like the park really did their best with the mine-train theme that thus became one tof the better theming for a mine train for me.unfortunally,as sasid before,it isnt that smooth and gave ome ratte and discomfort with those intense turns,i just want from them to smooth the ride a bit since for me it would be better if they will do it since the ride have a good and fun layout with some cool theme,and just a much comfortable ride xperience will help alot,but thats just my opinion.

  • אדר פופקו

    Vitesse Fluidité Layout Théma

    fireball is a pretty nice coaster here in sweden and its also underrated,some might never visited or even heard of furuvik,but its a pretty nice place,not the best,but still nice to visit,and this one got the cake for being a good enough coaster for this park.the rides layout,might had been cloned,still is barely cloned and its pretty much a treat to ride and enjoy it good airtime moments and good turns throught the ride,all of this was kept with a good speed and pace and allowed to a much more thrilling exprience than the traditional kiddy coaster.the ride is also smooth which isnt suprising if were talking about a vekoma boomerand and slides well with the track.altough i would improve is the theming,the park have a pretty decent theming for a small park,this one coaster however,dont feels to me as themed as other attractions at the park,well aside from the broken track at the end,the rocket shaped like trains and also the pretty cool building,the ride is just bland with its theming and with a confusing character to it,but overall its a pretty nice coaster and its super fun to ride with the kids.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Vitesse Fluidité Layout

    this vekoma junior is one of the more well done one,unlike in america,european rollerskaters are much more realiable and themed,as i know,theming on a kiddy coaster is somthing you can runaway from,but here this wasnt the case.for a park like this,they did their best to theme this little vekoma rollerskater,the theming is done good enough wich that give the ride a character,unlike some other balnd junior coasters,the theming is a wild west one,a thing that most european theme parks manage to succeed with the theme,this one have some coal wagons,water tower and more and its just looks nice.the ride is also smooth and done a good pacing throught the ride,a thing that makes up despite the repetetive and sometimes dead layout.overall,the ride is just a cool vekoma junior and must reccomanded for the france entusiastes with kids.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Layout Hangtime Harnais

    this ride is ment to be the crown jewel of fraispertuis city'or as its nickname given by me"the silver dollar city of frannce"since the wildwest themes here so remind me of silver dollar city,altough silver dollar city have much more coasters,that one is the thing fraispetruis city relise own with thrills,and the coaster made the thrill and fun work.the layout is cool,s&s el locos really have those cool layputs and its such a treat to ride every and each one of them.the ride is filled with habgtime,from top to bottom,those to inversions really hang you upside down for quiet a while and its so cool to hangupside down alot.the layout also smooth and the first drop was so fun and gave cool whip.the ride theme is cool too,the station have that shed look to it and i loved the tree with the drop here.altough the one down side is the ostrs,they were not that comfortable to ride but i think they improved with it,other than harnsses,this el loco surely made my day and i just will love to ride it more and more.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Situation Fluidité Layout Intensité

    this ride honestly,is a pretty cool tivoli coaster,its not the best or close to being the best,but i still found it enjoyable to ride.the theming was cool,not that much theme but still cool,especially the house part of the them,it was pretty smooth too and the location helps this ride alot,its surrounded by some threes and a cute grassy area,makes the athmosphere evn better.unfortunally,the ride's layout is not that cool and reptetive and its not that intense,but hey,atleast its cute and enjoyable to kids,so it got my approval.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Fluidité Layout Temps mort Intensité

    this coaster is a pretty cool zierer tivoli and one of the best in the market of coaster,altough zeirer have stopped the production of those tivolis,there indeed improved over time and i wished they will come back to make those coasters,this is a great example of an improved tivoli that does things better than other tivolis out there.what is a great thing to point out is of course the layout.instead with the traditional,cloned layout of must of those tivolis,this have the "new" layout,that have been beraly cloned and it is much wider than the other layouts of the tivolis,making this a pretty stand out zierer coaster than other and porviding a much longer exprience for kids to ride.the layout itself is so fun and cool that its worth waiting for the ride and the park has pretty cool operations.the location also helps,making this ride beautiful to look at,as it sourrounded by threes which helps alot with the athmosphere of the caterpillar shaped trains.it is also smooth and have no rattle whatsoever,making it a good ride.however,there are some spots which felt dead and its o that intense,but hey,its a kiddy coaster and its a great tivoli by zierer.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Situation Layout Débit

    Heiße Fahrt is a pretty cool coaster for this park in the middle of nowhere,and its one of the few bobsleds with a custome layout from Gerstlauer.for me i loved the layout it had to offer,with some good and thrilling turns,some good pops of airtime and a nice pace between the turns and the airtimes.some hills deliver better airtime than others,like those bunny hops which had a strong airtime more than the first drop.the turns were thrilling for me and some were low to the ground,adding thrill to this ride.the location was super cool,making some interactions with their water ride and even with the station itself,it feels really like they tried their best to fit the coaster to the sourrunding and pass some terains,and they nailed it.altough maybe the operations could use some improvement since it was too slow for my liking and the park can get busy,it is still a nice coaster and its worth your time to see this underrated theme park with its own crown jewel,Heiße Fahrt.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Fluidité Sans intérêt Layout Intensité

    this ride was pretty boring,and a less thrilling version of achterbahn to me,sure it came first in 1995 but i wont cry if they will choose to remove it,they will still have achterbahn on their side to support as a much better tivoly.altough i liked the location which really helped with the snake shaped like trains,it still wasnt so enjoyable,the layout was reptetive and dead,it wasnt that intense altough it was pretty smooth and overall,i think they wouldnt need it,maybe the only reason their keeping it is for historical values,but still,achterbahn is a much better tivoli by zierer than froschbahn,and i belive they will soon turn it down in favor of a much better family coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Launch Intensité Layout Vibrations Airtimes

    this ride,honestly is the best in the whole park,and this their newest coaster too which was build in 2011.and i loved this ride so much and its a perfect fit for the park and germany.maurer got theri full potential here with the layout of the ride,amking this ride a great treat throught,the layout is full of 4 intense inversions,which are fast and provide a nice pace throught those inversions.but its not smooth so much as it did had some rattle and yes,some airtimes moments didnt gave enough airtime,but these forceful and packed layout helped to make the ride an intense one.the launch is fast and pretty smooth,i love a good launch on a coaster and maurer knows how to build those launches,as good as possible.the pace is also good,between every elemant,the ride packs a smooth transitions which altough the rattle,they are still smooth and provides a good enough ride for me,and yes,this coaster alone have a great maurer lap bars which are comfortable to ride.overall,this ride is a treat to this park and worth riding to get those Gs.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Théma Layout Temps mort

    this ride is pretty perfect family coaster for this little park,which i willing to call "the Dollywood of france"since those park are soouly themed to the wild west area,and altough dollywood is the better park,this is a nice park too and this is a nice coaster to this park.gerstlauer's family coasters are enjoyable to ride and have some great twists and elements to them,this one is no excaption since for a family coaster,adults can enjoy it as well as younger childrens.the ride,tho called shuttle family coaster,isnt a shuttle coaster,since it have a completetly full circuit layout unlike shuttle coasters,so it can be classified as a shuttle coaster but it does go back and forth and that might give it the title of shuttle but still,it isnt shuttle.lets talk more about the ride expriece ive got.first of all,the airtime is so cool for a family coaster,with some parts that gave a much stronger airtime than what ive expected,altough the layout might have some dead spots,its still delivers in airtime.also the turns was quit good and gave some cool vibes of forces.the ride is also smooth and to top it all,the theming in these ride,which is a wild west theme,is cool and great fo a little fmily park.this is a ride i would reccomand to every young kids and adults to ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    Lap Bar Confort Fun Débit Layout

    Eqwalizer is the first operating coaster to this park and its still holds up to this day.the biggest thing to talk about the ride is its trains,the ride trains,which were made by Sunkid,are so smooth,even better than the regular vekoma ones.one example of how good does rains are,in the ride Speed SNAKEFREE,those trains are so smooth here too and its cool.innstead of a regular ostrs,this ride have lap bars which improve the ride ten times more than it had in the past.the ride with those trains is much more fun to ride than the other vekoma boomerangs around the world,which i got a welcome suprise by theese boomerang alone.unfortunally for this coaster,its a boomerang,meaning you will get the same layout as previous you rode and the operations wasnt that great,which with this capctiy,didnt help the lines we had to wait,which i got 2 rides on that.however,it is much better than your traditional boomerand and im highly reccoamnd it to the entusiastes.

  • אדר פופקו

    Situation Vibrations Sans intérêt Layout

    This ride is just there for me,i mean i dont vry for its removal beacuse for me,Gold rush was a better family coaster,this one is,eh!serpent hopi location and theming i liked,its looks cool,but thats about it and i really do feel they need to improve on it.the ride layout is reptetive,and for some weird reason,i felt a big rattle during the ride,really bringing it down,and also that its not that intense aside from thos head choppers,really dont help the ride a whole lot.than agin,its their first operating coaster which didnt ended up in the scrapyard,but still i dont feel like its a good ride and can be easilt replaced with somthing better.