• Chris J.

    Fun Fluidité

    It didn't do a whole lot but it is very smooth for its age. Good classic wooden coaster.

  • Chris J.


    I really like these clones. They are always fun and surprising.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Intensité

    Solid floorless, but small and short. It has some good and intense moments but it's not close to being one of the best because of the size.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Intensité Layout

    One of the best coasters I have rode. It is big, fast, and long. The layout is incredible and it mixes both negatives and positives to perfection. The first half has some of the most amazing sustained airtime I have experienced, and the second half is intense and whippy. Great coaster.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Layout Longueur

    RMC did a great job filling in the ride area with as many elements as possible. I really love how even though this is a smaller ride it is long. However, the one thing missing from Wicked Cyclone is a true stand-out element for me. It's great but not one of the very best RMCs.

  • Chris J.

    Fun Vibrations

    I knew it would be rough going in but it was kind of fun because it's honestly comically rough. Like you are jackhammering up and down so high it's funny.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Launch Inconfort

    It's better than the ones with collars but it's still nothing great. The lap bars aren't comfortable and that really holds some of the elements back.

  • Chris J.


    This was more enjoyable than I expected. It's like a tour of the park, with some hills and turns thrown in. It feels faster than it is and is a cool ride oeverall.

  • Chris J.


    Spinning while going back and forth is fun but it's obviously nothing remarkable. Decent ride.

  • Chris J.

    Fun Longueur

    We spun quite a bit on our one ride on it. Spinning through the long layout is pretty fun. Good ride.

  • Chris J.

    First Drop Launch Layout

    Very fun coaster with a great drop and launch. The inversions did not do a whole lot for me though. The main thing that holds this back to me is that the drop is very good but having done Cannibal, it's hard to compare.

  • Chris J.
  • Chris J.


    A decent mine train with a good location. It's pretty boring outside of the one random hill with some airtime.

  • Chris J.


    Pretty fun indoor coaster. Runaway Mountain in Texas is better but this one's building looks cool and is fun to twist and turn in the dark.

  • Chris J.


    Not a very fun ride. The first half isn't too bad but the second half gets a bit rougher. Would much rather them get rid of this one and replace it.

  • Chris J.


    I think these can be kind of fun but usually not worth the wait. It's alright.

  • Chris J.


    Not as good as Georgia's but still a decent ride. Has some good moments but also a lot of meandering.

  • Chris J.


    This clone runs pretty fast but also is a bit shakier than some of the others I've done. Still a good ride.

  • Chris J.

    Théma Intensité Layout

    One of my favorite floorless coasters. The layout is really solid and features some intense elements, but the best parts of the ride are the near misses and the effects. The fire and smoke effects are super cool and add a lot to the ride.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Layout Longueur

    One of the better B&M hypers I have done. The airtime throughout the entire is good, not the best but really good. It's a long ride with a gorgeous setting, and the helix is pretty intense. I love the final hills going into the brake run as well.

  • Chris J.

    Launch Fun Intensité

    What is there not to love? Tall, fast, and an intense launch. Could ride it over and over.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Vibrations

    Great ride but in my opinion, a little overhyped. Everyone talks about the drop, two camelbacks, and Rolling Thunder Hill and all three are phenomenal, but not the greatest airtime I have ever experienced like most people seem to claim. It's also gotten rougher over the years and is harder to ride more than twice in a row for me because of this.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Situation Layout

    Really good wooden coaster. The drop into the bridge over the road is an amazing moment and you get some good floater on both sides of the bridge. The second half has some great moments too diving around the terrain. My only complaint is that it feels like it slows up quite a bit in the second half but it's still great.

  • Chris J.

    Layout Longueur Débit

    I was a bit disappointed in this one. It's long and filled with cool elements, but none of them really stand out. On paper, this should be awesome but it just kind of coasts through the layout without making you feel anything. The airtime hill in the second half is pretty good and so is the stall but everything else is just ok.

  • Chris J.

    Théma Fun Débit

    The strangest wild mouse in the world and I loved every minute of it. The theming makes the ride so much better than the typical spinning mouse. Just try to get on it before the line gets too long.

  • Chris J.


    Neither side has many forces but they are both smooth and the racing aspect is fun.

  • Chris J.

    Situation Fun

    Smooth classic wooden coaster with an awesome location and some great laterals. Pretty good ride overall.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Launch

    I was pleasantly surprised by this one. There are a couple of great moments of airtime that I did not expect, like the drop off the midcourse. The launch is good as well. Not the best ride ever by any means but really fun.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Lap Bar

    This ride is smooth and has an incredible double down. Other than that there isn't much but it's still really fun just for that moment with barely any restraints.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Situation

    I really do like Phantom but I don't rank it quite as high as everyone else. The second half is incredible. Diving into the valley is so cool and the airtime that follows is amazing. The first however doesn't do a whole lot and the second half is just a little too short for me to rank this among the best of the best.