• DetlefDerBauer

    Théma Débit Bonne suprise !

    The Queue is absolutly amazing and the station is just insanely nice to look at. And i absolutly love the music, was in my ears the whole time even after the trip. Dark ride park is very cool and with a very nice suprise. Coaster part is okay but the rest just makes up to it.

  • DetlefDerBauer

    First Drop Confort Ejectors

    I love this thing. Been there on a Saturday with great weather and you just could go through the station the whole day without any wait time as a single rider. Amazing first drop and great pace from start to end. Cant relate to the rattle everybody is complaining about. I always rode it in last row on the wing seats and didnt notice any rattle on any ride. The best plan is to start with Zadra in the morning and later make your way to Hyperion because everybody goes to Hyperion at the start of the day. Just a great package of a coaster.