Inversions Fun Baffes
Expected the worst, but this ride was not nearly as awful as its ranking makes it out to be. Take a middle seat and brace yourself, and you'll be just fine. You don't see the train closing around your back, so it feels like you're simply lying on your chest with no restraints, which makes the two inversions really scary and fun. Beautiful lighting as well.
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Trop court
Airtime machine! I had a blast riding Hyperia. The first drop is unlike any other, the zero-G stall takes an eternity, and the outer banked roll feels like you're completely gone flying. The positive, uplifting theme is great, the soundtrack up the lifthill enhances the experience even further, and the coaster is really nice to look at throughout the park. There's no dead spots, although the coaster doesn't pack as much punch as most modern thrill coasters. But the real major downside is that the ride time from the top of the chainlift to the first brake run is only 30 seconds, which is around half the ride time of the other greatest of Europe, such as Hyperion or Kondaa.
Théma Fun
Nice to experience such a classic, well-maintained ride.
Bonne suprise ! Confort Harnais
The biggest surprise at Prater. This might be the best Boomerang in the world. The custom trains have big seats with plenty of legroom and comfortable restraints, similar to just a lap bar, which give you a lot of freedom. The added tunnel was also surprisingly exciting.
Théma Fun Trop court Temps mort
Pretty fun indoor wild mouse with disco lights and techno music coming your way. But not much more than that.
Serious forces in such a tiny layout. Great first drop, good duration, and scary final helix, which is so close to the ground you can almost lick the pavement.
Théma Fun Fluidité Débit
An absolutely glass smooth Wild Mouse rollercoaster, with a fun theme and awesome lighting. Well worth it to iride.
Inversions Longueur Harnais Inconfort
Olympia Looping has always been a childhood dream to ride. Five loops on a fairground roller coaster seemed unreal as a little kid, back when I couldn't even point out Vienna on a map. And now, standing in front of it after so many years, it's truly an intimidating sight. Gorgeous colors, lighting, and layout. However, the ride experience was less than stellar. The ride duration is great, and it has some serious G-forces in the loops and turns. But the "accordeon" restraints drop on top of your shoulder, and can move even further down during the ride, compressing your spine if you're not prepared. I felt like this could cause serious injury if I wasn't careful. And having to think about this just ruined the overall experience.
Théma Longueur Intensité
Beautiful theming, but the ride made me sick. Lots of helix action, not as much inversions or airtime. A missed chance for a flying coaster.
Théma Fun Inconfort
Stellar theming. A bit janky in places, but otherwise good fun for a family ride.
Situation Fun Débit
Cool photogenic interaction with the path and a nearby pond. Everything you would want out of a modern wild mouse. Quick operations help with this ride's poor capacity.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Vibrations
Other than Kondaa, Pulsar is the star of the show at Walibi Belgium. Prominently in the middle of the park, it catches your eye from far away. The launch strip, the big rotating loading platform, and the quick-filling water basin are cool to look at, and give the ride an almost futuristic feeling without needing any theming at all. Be warned: The back row will get you absolutely soaked.
Smooth ride and nice forces on the loop for the ride's age and history, happy to still be able to experience it. But nothing special otherwise.
Vitesse Ejectors Hangtime
Kondaa has everything. The surrounding area and entrance/station building look gorgeous and in-theme. The views of the coaster from there are perfect. The drop and first hill are what you want out of a tall coaster like this, before the ride surprises you with the terrifying outside-banked turn on the second hill. The gigantic cobra roll element feels unique, and the second half of the ride is even more forceful than the first. Only a lack of legroom for a tall person can stop this awesome ride from a perfect score.
A raser !
Giving this one the glorious half-star rating for being a health hazard. Absolutely and positively the worst ride I have been on so far. The entire ride is paired with the lapbar gut-punching you every other second. Anticipate the first drop to be fun, and you will be rewarded with a beating. Dead spots feel like a relief, but even then, the wheels scrape over the track like a train over a rusty switchyard, an assault on your eardrums. The big padded seats cannot compensate for this dreadful ride experience. There is nothing good about this ride, and if it were an option, I would give this ride 0 stars. I would say this ride needs an RMC redesign, or a complete re-track. But what it needs most of all right now is to be closed before someone gets seriously injured.
First Drop Fun Trop court
The first drop on boomerangs is always extra scary. However, I had expected more force, akin to Raik in Phantasialand. All in all it's just too short and uneventful to be exciting. The ride going over water is nice though.
First Drop Fun
Basically a crazy log flume. The coaster section is nothing special, but the elevator is horrifying.
Fun Layout Hangtime Trop court
Formula is a great ride stuck in a park of much greater rides. The launch is snappy, the loops are comfortable and intense, and the theme is decent. It's just on the short side, and within Energylandia now outclassed by Abyssus in every way. In another smaller park, this would have been their star ride.
Fluidité Layout Longueur
Super smooth and enjoyable double launch coaster. Not the most intense ride in the park by far; not even in the top 3. Long duration, good forces in the helices and the second launch. Nice theming, though the big maintenance shed right next to the first launch is very ugly. All in all a great ride.
Airtimes First Drop Intensité
A titan of a coaster. The sense of speed on this ride is unmatched by any other non-launch coaster I have been on so far. It is much more intense than the bigger B&Ms thanks to the variety in elements and forces. The first drop is terrifying, the following camelback and diveloop are filled with lots of airtime. The rest of the ride has small, close to the ground elements, despite the ride still having tons of momentum. Fast dives, helices, and ejector hills. Great capacity and a smooth ride. Only the lack of outside theming stops this coaster from being a true masterpiece.
Vitesse Intensité Ejectors Trop court
Stunning ride to look at. Extreme pace. Awesome elements, including the very photgenic first drop and large upside-down stall. Some of the drops diving into the support structure are terrifying. The second part of the ride has even stronger G-forces. All in all a world-class ride. Only a few downsides keep it from a perfect score: The theming is scarce, up to the point of the entrance being difficult to find. The dives into supports remove the sense of the extreme speeds, especially on the huge first drop. And finally, the ride reaches the downward-inclined brake run so fast that it leaves you wanting more.
Théma Vibrations Inconfort
Nice interaction with the path and other ride. But already has a a rattle, which isn't promising.
Bonne suprise !
An alright family darkride/coaster that you wouldn't expect from the exterior. The new theming in the queue is nice, however the theming of the ride itself is lacking, especially the very quiet audio system. Could've made the soundtrack "homage" on the spiral lifthill a little bit more France themed, no?
The first drop is strange, but after that, the ride really starts flying.
First Drop Fun Inconfort
Iconic ride, and still tons of fun. The first drop is wild!
Théma Débit Fun
A pretty ride, fun interactions with Wodan and the nearby path, but it's hard to call this a roller coaster. The top section is a nice addition to the "water ride experience" though.
Théma Débit Sans intérêt
This ride tries to be 2 things at once, and both substract from eachother. This would have been an excellent darkride without the outdoor powered roller coaster part tacked onto it.
Airtimes Fluidité Ejectors
Revisiting Silver Star after visiting its modern brother in PortAventura has me convinced that this is the superior B&M Hyper in Europe. The first hills have a ton of airtime, and have also been improved massively by replacing the old trim brakes. After the mid-course brake run, the intensity is turned up (rather than turned down like its Spanish counterpart), and there are multiple strong ejector moments. Even the banked turns are very forceful seconds before the final brakes.
Théma Débit Temps mort
Nice theming, but not very intense, poor throughput, and unfortunately a very large piece of nothing at the end of the ride.
Théma Fun
A beautiful and fun family ride. Exactly what water coasters should be like.