• Lonesome Ivy

    First Drop Fun Intensité

    How is this not rated more highly...?! It's huge, fast, exhilarating, and super fun. The 141ft drop is such a rush, and that massive vertical loop feels every bit as tall as it is, there's almost a little bit of a stall at the top. I rode it in rows 3 & 4 and didn't feel that it was rough enough to impact the enjoyment. I generally don't mind some roughness as long as it doesn't cause pain/headbanging, which this one didn't for me, it just throws your body around a bit in a good way. The restraints are pretty bulky, but I kept my head back and put it against the restraint during the cobra roll just in case, and all was good. One bizarre aspect is the fenced-off area it's in, that the park seems to use to store construction equipment, not exactly an attractive setting but you don't have much time to notice it. Highly recommended, much more exciting than Millennium.

  • Lonesome Ivy

    Fluidité Longueur Harnais Temps mort Intensité

    This definitely isn't a bad coaster - it's just that compared with its nearby sister Odyssey, it's a bit outclassed in my opinion! It's quite a gentle, smooth ride. Although it is pretty high at 150ft, the drop doesn't feel that intense and I suspect the 150ft stated height includes the clearance from the ground on massive support struts, the station is about 15 - 20 feet off the ground. There is a bizarre length of straight monorail track between the first two loops, which doesn't feel quite as strange on the ride as it looks from the outside but still kills the pacing a bit. The way it snakes all around the park is really fun, and it's a decent length. The trains look cute and vintage, but are boxy and rather uncomfortable, with horrible hard OTS restraints. One hill had a bit of airtime in car 3. Definitely worth a shot, but then go and ride Odyssey if you want more force...

  • Lonesome Ivy


    This thing is hilarious. The cute little trains, the LEDs all along the track, being in a basement... if you sit right in the front, there are some really strong janky laterals right at the end as it comes into the brake run and you get flung aggressively to the side. The helix isn't actually that bad for such a small coaster and it's a bit better in the back row. It was doing 4 laps when I went on it. Costs too much (currently £5) per go, but it's certainly a novelty.