Tous les avis
Lap Bar Fun Fluidité
Nothing to write home about, but a nice, fun, smooth junior Vekoma invert with good positive Gs. You also get two laps per ride, which is nice.
Decently intense, but the attempts at airtime don't really work, so it's really just about the few moments of laterals and the spinning.
Launch Sans intérêt Layout
The launch is great, but after that there's really nothing. I also banged my knee really badly on the plastic shell of the horses on the trains--watch out for that.
Harnais Sans intérêt Layout
At least it's better than Time Warp lol
Airtimes Inversions Layout Inconfort Lap Bar
Far better than its reputation suggests, and narrowly my favourite at Coney Island. The layout is a genuinely excellent mix of airtime and whip through the inversions (several of which also give good airtime). It's probably sacrilegious, but I found the weird shaping of the inversions reminded me of Iron Gwazi's death roll at times. Yes, it's true, it does ride like a shopping cart down a cobbled street. But think of it this way: the experience is something like you'd imagine if someone told you that GCI somehow made a eurofighter. Although the roughness can be uncomfortable, it made the ride feel more out of control and intense than it would otherwise be at times. The restraints are terrible, but at least they leave you lots of freedom for your upper body to get tossed around by laterals. If you like rougher wood coasters and intense loopers, then this is a perfect ride for you.
Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors Vibrations Temps mort
What can you say, it's a classic. Somewhat mild in the front, but there are pops of real standing airtime at the back and violent laterals at the back. Definitely recommend sitting as far back as you can. If you like laterals, sit by yourself to get thrown from side to side at every turn. An unpredictable, wild, absolutely classic ride.