Airtimes First Drop Fluidité
trims do NOT affect the ride
Situation Vitesse Intensité Débit
they closed ka, anaconda, and even nighthawk too? uhhhhh thats not smart
Launch Baffes Théma Temps mort
too intense and too much theming
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité
i got a trimless backrow ride with the lap bar a good 3 inches above my head. mastapiece
Launch Fun Débit Lap Bar
fine for families, i wish they went with an intamin multi launch, like wave breaker though
Intensité Fluidité Débit Temps mort
3.79 g's in the back for a kiddy-family coaster. insane
Launch Fun Fluidité Débit
that backwards launch was shockingly punchy for a glorified kiddy coaster
Théma Situation Intensité
it was around 25 degrees when i rode this. it was awesome
Théma Fun Longueur
w ride w theme, goats, roller coasters, AND dinosaurs
First Drop Théma Baffes Harnais Temps mort
my otsr came down really far and there was bad headbanging. but 4.10 g's and -1.04 on the back left
First Drop Situation Fluidité Temps mort
that first drop is insane for something with best restraints
First Drop Intensité Ejectors
my 2nd favorite drop of all time (behind skyrush)
First Drop Intensité Ejectors
the non inverting loop is one of my favorite elements ever
Airtimes Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre
it was night when i first rode it. couldn’t see ANYTHING
Inversions Vitesse Ejectors
yeah it’s pretty good
Airtimes Théma Fun Inconfort
my first ever coaster
Airtimes Lap Bar Inconfort
trade offer: you receive airtime on a disney coaster. i receive you getting a headache.
Théma Débit Inconfort
read my review for the other one
Théma Débit Inconfort
i love the carnival style theming for this lil ride, shame its gone.
Débit Déception !
i do not like this kiddie coaster's seats, why they bumpy
Airtimes Inconfort
better than the kissimmee one, this one actually has airtime
six flags theming at a disney park
Situation Trop court Débit
rare credits am i right
rode with my tall friend and short friend in front of me. it looked like a father holding his son
Théma Longueur Temps mort
meh, fine kiddy coaster
Théma Débit
I'm NOT waiting 45 minutes for this
First Drop Théma Inconfort
when it was vr, idk if it still is, my headset was just static and it was very disorienting, did not come off well
Théma Débit Layout
not that bad, but it was VERY ugly. glad they replaced it with something prettier looking
A raser ! Layout Lap Bar
Shin guards, trimmed to death, bad capacity.